Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Article Marketing - How It's Done

Article marketing had been around ever since mass print has been available. It is being used by many businesses for free press space. This works to the advantage of the newspapers, other traditional media and the business owner because of the useful content provided by the business owner that will be placed on the paper will be free of charge which gives the newspapers more content. Nowadays however, when you talk about article marketing, more people would associate it with internet marketing. It has adapted to the modern world and how article marketing is done on the internet is not far from how it's done in mass print.

Instead of newspapers, people use article directories to get free press space. Here, useful articles will be submitted into the directories in return for more traffic going into your website. In the world of the World Wide Web, almost everything is about traffic. It's always a good sign if you have a lot of traffic into your website. That's why it is important for many businesses to make use of article marketing how effective it is in developing a brand name for their product in the World Wide Web. Once they are able to launch a successful article marketing campaign, the rewards they get is something they can really be proud off.

What exactly is article marketing how it's done in the context of internet marketing may vary from one SEO expert to another. But the basics are always the same and that is to create useful contents or articles that will be appealing to the readers. It should be good enough for them to make them want to click on your website and find out more about you or your products. This is different from advertisements and sales pitches as the article that you have to create should be more on what the reader will benefit from after reading what you have written. With so many articles on the internet, who would honestly want to read one that is just full of advertisements and sales lines?

Using article marketing how hard it may be for those who are not proficient in writing comes with many rewards. Understandably, not everybody who wants to venture in marketing through articles is good in writing so they make use of writing services to realize their goals in effective article marketing. There are a lot of talented freelance writers out there that can help you and your business grow indefinitely. Partner them up with a good SEO company and you will definitely get the best results and eventually get more profit and sales from your website.

So if you have questions about article marketing how to's, then you can expect the best answers from the experts. They would not be called experts for nothing. Discuss your goals with them and they should be able to tell you why you should use article marketing for your website as well as provide you with ways on how to make it happen.

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Article Marketing: What Can Writing Do for Your Business Ventures?

Article marketing is actually quite simple to do, after you learn how to do it adequately; however, I realize that, at first, there might be some learning bends while you are attempting to begin.

Writing articles in local newspapers is somewhat different from the ones you will write and publish on the Internet. Below, you will find some FAQs and answers that many business entrepreneurs have when they begin Internet marketing.

The first question, we covered above, but I will go into a bit more details to help you see that having a web site is not sufficient if you want to have web page traffic, profits and long-time customers.

FAQ 1: I have a web site and do I Need More than that?

Answer: As stated above, you definitely should not depend solely on a web site for business success. With Internet marketing, you want complete benefits that advertising online provides you and your company. You have business cards undoubtedly. By handing out hundreds of those cards, how many customers did you receive as a result? The same scenario can occur if you only use one promoting method; therefore, article marketing might be a great option for you, but read more before you decide.

More than likely, you have a business site already live on the Web. If you do not have one, yes, you should build one or have someone create one for you. You can find many free sites that allow you to create web sites, which will help you save money on that aspect of your promotion plan.

After you have a web site established, you need to market it, just the same as you would market products and/or services. Marketing with articles is an excellent way to get more traffic and hit the top of the search engine lists, and this technique of advertising online is extremely popular with both business individuals and folks who use it for personal reasons.

You do not need to be a computer genius or excellent writer to write articles for your promoting ventures. Average folks do this process every day, because it is effective and simple.

FAQ 2: Why are Yahoo and Google so Vital?

Answer: Large search engines offer your company the biggest search results probable. Google is the biggest search engine ever. This engine functions around the clock and has remained the most favored search engine nationwide, for many years. When individuals need to find products, services or information (answers to questions or research), they do not use phone books as often now - they automatically say, "I will have to Google that." Keep that in mind when you do article marketing.

FAQ 3: What can writing articles do for your business ventures?


• Deliver more traffic to your web site and/or blogs

• Help you reach the search engine's top results faster

• Assist with building solid and long-lasting consumer relationships

• Help you sell more products and/or services

• Mark you as one of the top companies on the Internet and help you build a stronger reputation

FAQ 4: Article Marketing: How does it work?

Answer: You will need to write articles continuously, every month, about your business niche. You do not have to put the title of your business or your location in the article titles or content. At the end of the day, it is best to write content about your company's niche (products and/or services), instead of trying to create articles that include your company name, your name and its location.

With article marketing, when you submit articles, each piece of writing will add a "resource box," generally placed at the bottom of your article. There, you will add a brief author profile (biography) that consists of a URL directing people back to your company web site or blog site. The URL is extremely precious - essentially, it is your recompense for allowing folks to republish your content, free of charge. By creating URLs, you will enhance your blog site or web site's Google standings.

It is additionally incredibly vital that you develop the kind of resource box that permits you to enter your company's locations and use particular keywords to create a URL.

FAQ 5: Does a business owner need to have his or her articles live on web sites that consist of web page visitors in his or her business location/region?

Answer: In reality, you only need to submit articles to web sites that publish content related to your business niche. Several article marketing directory sites span a vast array of subjects; therefore, regardless of what your company's niche is, you will be capable of locating publishers keen on your content. With the Internet and Google or other search engines, no matter where your business is established, or where web visitors are located, your content will appear in results, providing it is SEO friendly and useful.

A business owner's objective is not essentially to get individuals from his or her location to view and read his or her content. You develop URLs with each article, and your resource box at the bottom of every article communicates with search engines and tells the engines about your company, blog and web site.

It says, for example, to Google, "When an individual approaches you, looking for details about Belle Floral Arrangements (for instance), keep this web site or blog in mind (or in data) and put it higher on the search engine results."

Therefore, when web users in your area perform an online search, with Yahoo or Google, for instance, for your town or city and the kind of company, your blog site or web site will appear within the first few results. That is your main objective with online advertising.

I hope the information about what writing can do for your business venture is helpful. I wish you the best of luck with your article marketing, other advertising goals as well as your company's success and selling many products and/or services over the World Wide Web.

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

How To Develop Article Marketing To Raise Your Profile And Drive Traffic To Your Site

Many professionals wonder how article marketing can help them as a business strategy. They worry about finding topics to write about, finding the time to write, and whether after all the effort, any of their pieces would be read. For others, writing for public consumption can seem a daunting prospect and leave them open to ridicule or criticism.

Yet article writing can be a very powerful way of promoting your personal brand and products & services. If article marketing is done well the very exposure that initially seemed so intimidating can be the mechanism to drive traffic back to your destination websites. This article looks the main benefits of article writing and its value to professionals and business managers in building profile and driving traffic.

Creating high-quality, original content which is of value and relevance to your niche helps you build your reputation and standing within your subject area. Drawing from your wealth of experience and knowledge, you can offer your own perspective and insights on a range of topics and interests. Using themes drawn from questions that your niche frequently asks, you can show that you understand the concerns and issues that motivate them.

It's important to remember that you are promoting your skills and expertise through article marketing. It's not an overt sales platform where you blatantly sell your services and products. Articles are not sales pages but a way of communicating valuable wisdom to your target audience. They serve as a showcase from which your niche will see how you are qualified to help them.

Develop a routine to produced new articles on a regular basis so that you build momentum and a body of material to showcase your proficiency in your niche. Select an article directory which has a good reputation and receives high visitor numbers accessing their article database. If you produce excellent articles which receive attention, then you can be assured of a regular volume of visitors from the directory to your own sites.

Don't make your articles over-complicated - instead create a series of shorter, simpler articles which cover specific aspects of the main topic. One useful technique is to use the top ten questions in your FAQ (frequently asked questions) list as the basis of ten topics from which you can develop a series of articles. Articles word counts range from 400 to 1,200 words and with practice you can create focused articles within this framework.

Increase your viewing figures by giving your articles titles which include strong keywords. This means using popular words and phrases which appear in search engine searches. If your target audience is searching for information on dealing with a particular topic or theme, then using the same phrases or keywords means your article will appear higher up in search results.

Free tools such as Google Keywords will help you see what words are being used and gives you an insight into the mind-set of the community needing help. Using keywords within the body of the article will also help with search engine rankings but avoid over-using them at the expense of intelligibility.

Picking topics that matter to your niche and then using sensible search engine optimisation techniques (SEO) will help your articles find an audience. If your content then is engaging, interesting and delivers then it increases the chances of your articles being used in other websites. If you can create well-crafted articles that have a strong appeal to a niche, other content providers will happy to use them to add value for their own readership.

This is why your articles must be focused on the topic and not your services - few external sites will be interested in pushing a sales pitch. Having found a wider audience through these third-party sites, you'll significantly raise the numbers of viewers who'd be inclined to connect with you if they were given the opportunity.

As with books and webpages, articles also have an "about me" section, often called a resource box. This allows you to add a small biographical piece where you describe your appropriate skills and experience and offer opportunities for your audience to contact you. You can include URL links to your destination sites such as your blog or main website, as well as your online and offline contact details.

Depending on your article directory host, you will have a number of resource boxes in which you can create bespoke pieces that emphasise different elements of your background and skills, and different calls to action. This can be very useful if you're writing on different fields as you draw on relevant experience relating to each field. Use the opportunity to reinforce the sense of value and benefit you can offer your niche so they see the usefulness in connecting with you.

Connecting your social media platforms to your article profile page will help you promote your writing to your wider community. Each time you publish an article, a tweet is posted to out to your network so if your Twitter account is connected to your LinkedIn and Facebook accounts, this is an excellent opportunity to consolidate your identity as an article writer.

Sumi Olson (author of the Amazon five-star rated, "How to Manage Your Social Media Marketing in 30 Minutes A Day"), is an author, speaker, diamond-rated article writer, consultant and trainer on social media, content creation strategies, and business development.

With 25 years' experience in book publishing, business development, online selling, sales & marketing, Sumi is committed to reducing overwhelm and turning insights into implementation. Through speaking events,books, programmes & workshops, she helps you further your publishing or writing aspirations, meet sales, marketing & management objectives, or master social media & online branding.

As a working mother herself, she's passionate about helping people create a great work-life balance so that they can spend more time on the things that matter in life - hobbies, friends, and family.

Connect with her on Twitter (@sumiolson), LinkedIn http://uk.linkedin.com/in/sumiolson or visit http://www.learningbusinessskills.com to sign up for her free fortnightly newsletter.

(You are welcome to use my articles but please credit for my work and include the information contained in this resource box. I appreciate your support on these points - thank you for your interest in my work. I hope you find it of value)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Affiliate Marketing Insider - Successful Article Marketing

Affiliate marketing is among the most perspective sectors of online business. The marketing mix in affiliate marketing includes different tools and methods like banner marketing, blog marketing, e-mail marketing, SEO, article marketing, etc.

Article marketing is one of the most effective methods of promotion in affiliate marketing. Successful article marketing is based on the regular submission of valuable articles to article directories, open to the general and specialized audience. Quality articles, developing topics of your area of expertise, connected to the promoted product and wisely redirecting to your affiliate website, are an irreplaceable technique to increase awareness, build brand equity, boost credibility and generate significant traffic. Hence - article marketing is an indispensable medium to increase conversions.

The beauty of articles marketing is that quality materials are rarely perceived by the common reader as an advertisement, but as useful and informative pieces. Therefore, reader is open to messages and disposed to share article with friends, driving the word-of-mouth channel, recognized by marketers as one of the most effective. Successful campaign both drives direct traffic to your website and generates great number of reprints in other websites.

To start a successful article marketing campaign, you have to identify several topics from your area of expertise that could be both interesting to audience and could naturally redirect reader to your affiliate product and website and provoke to action. Experts are sharing the most important issues to consider when writing a material for your article marketing campaign:

1. The Keywords

Carefully selected relevant keywords will allow search engines include your article in your target keywords searches. Make your thorough research on the most appropriate keywords to include and make sure to incorporate them in the text. Experts advise to aim at 1-5% of keyword density.

2. The Title

The title is extremely important for the success of your article, as it is the first contact of the potential reader/ client to your material to make him/ her decide to do or do not read the text.

The effective title is not only an accurate description about what the reader will find in your article body. The title is promising to deliver unique useful information on a specific topic. We recommend narrow focus of the title to allow you cover the topic completely within the volume of your article. A good choice is to include keywords in your title to optimize search results, but never stuffing title with keywords decreasing quality.

Experts also advise that the title provokes a question in reader mind to provoke him/ her read the article and find the answer.

3. The Content

The content of your article is what could win reader attention, after you have grabbed him/ her with an attractive title and make him/her visit your website, ready to buy! Original, highly informative quality content could not only drive one-time traffic by the side of reader, but keep him/ her coming back for more of your articles and therefore - build brand equity, authority and credibility.

We can not ever forget the inherent connection between the content and the title - the body of the article should develop all aspects of the question, emerging in a reader mind after seeing the title. The recommendable volume of the article body is usually between 400 and 700 words, but each article directory has own specifications.

Keywords density is crucial here to optimize search engine results. Style and language of the text are another extremely important issue on the article body - no mistakes are allowed here; style and language should be consistent with target group mindset.

These were the basic article marketing topics when writing for your affiliate marketing business. Always remember that the main purpose of an article is to help you direct readers to your website, boost conversion and increase your income. Therefore, you have to always develop themes of the area of interest of your affiliate business, to make natural the keywords and the relevance of website.

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Article Marketing and the Benefits You Can Get From It

If you have a website and you're trying to sell products online, article publishing is one of the most effective way to market your website and your products as well. Writing articles about your products or services provides more information to your clients so that you can have more sale of those products and services. Submitting articles to different directories adds popularity to your name as well as the products and services you offer by attaining one way quality links.

Article marketing is a great way to increase online traffic. While there are many options, publishing articles is one of the most effective and an affordable way to help you become established online. It helps increase the amount of high quality back links to your website and the more back links you get means more publicity to your brand. It increases your page rank better than any kind of link. In every article you publish, it should be linking back to your website in which way will improve the search engine ranking of your website. The higher your site appears in the search engine results, the more traffic you will get.

To let potential customers know about your website, you have to get the word out about the product or service sold. Through article submission you can be sure that the traffic driven is targeted since the readers of your article are potential customers. It can also help you build authority and credibility as a source of information through your articles showing the readers that you are knowledgeable about a particular topic and associating your name with high quality information. You can submit articles to many directories with your contact information and author bio attached. In this way you are developing a reputation for yourself and your company or website. People who use the Internet to find products, services and information are always looking for authority figures that they can trust to deliver the right information to them.

The goal of article submission is to get your site a maximum exposure, be recognized in the market and to increase traffic and sales. These then will apply some rules in submitting articles. One important thing you should consider is the uniqueness of your articles and there are SEO strategies you need to apply. This of course includes keyword marketing strategies and make sure your contents are credible. If your articles are well written, people will read them and be encouraged to click on the link to your site, increasing your traffic. So when you write articles make sure that you do some research and come up with an article that is genuinely backed by knowledge and valuable information. This way, your articles will really motivate readers to click on that link and thus, drive traffic to your site.

Gwyn Estember is an employee of DotComSecrets which teaches various internet marketing strategies to internet business owners.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Use Article Marketing to Add Value to Your Product

Article Marketing is a form of advertising that can definitely add value to your product or service. By using articles written about your industry, you can establish yourself as an expert in your field and a trusted resource for your product or service. Article marketing can be equally effective in newspapers and magazines, although these traditional media lack some of the obvious advantages of new media.

People generally prefer to do business with someone they know and trust and article marketing gives you the opportunity to make yourself familiar to your target audience. Your articles should contain information of a general nature about the industry you are involved in, and should offer something useful and interesting to your readers. You will then have positively affected your target audience, and this, in turn, will have added value to your product.

Articles can be written by you or outsourced to a professional copywriter or ghostwriter. There are several good websites where you can connect with potential writers. You must use good grammar and spelling to establish yourself as a credible expert. The tone should be conversational, using simple but descriptive language and limiting technical terms. If technical jargon is required, always include an explanation of the term.

It is important to remember that your articles should be an informative and interesting read; they are not for directly promoting your product. Most publishing sites do not allow blatant sales letters to be published as articles, and you will only be damaging your reputation by distributing an article that is nothing but hard-sell copy.

Newspapers and magazines always need fresh copy, so submitting your articles to them may result in getting published. To have your articles published online, submit them to an online article directory. These directories allow you to put personal and contact information in a "Resource Box", and it is here that you directly advertise your business. The resource box is an important tool to encourage readers to click through to your site and then, hopefully, place an order.

Articles for online use will differ slightly from those intended for hard copy. In order for your articles to be picked up by Internet Search Engines, they need to incorporate search engine optimization (SEO). This involves the use of common keywords or phrases that people would use to search for your topic on the Internet.

Keywords should be used throughout your writing so that the search engines can associate your article with the right search results. This is the single best way for interested people to find you online. The use of keywords should never be overdone, but there are a few critical places they should appear in every article.

1. Titles

Your title is very important; it's what the search engines list in their search results and if readers find your title interesting or informative, they'll click on it. And that's your goal. Obviously, your title should be what your article is about. Don't try to use all your keywords in the title. As always, keep it simple and get to the point; too many words in the title might confuse the search engines as well as readers.

2. Tags

Metatags are HTML codes that are put into your web page (in the header or body) and are used by search engines to find and describe your page. People viewing your page do not see them.

3. In the Article

Use your keywords in your article. You should also use semantically related words. For example, if your keyword is knitting, you should use words like, knitting needle, knit, knitting gear, how to knit and knitting pattern in your article. Using this strategy instead of just repeating your keyword over and over again will get you better results with search engines.

Just make sure that you don't over-use the keywords or make your articles artificial or hard to read. The best approach is to write naturally. A reader wants a quality article on a specific topic, not a bunch of keywords strung together.

4. In the Resource Box

Your Resource Box is a great place to use keywords. Just remember to use different ones every once in a while. This will help search engines figure out what your site is about. You can use the semantically related keyword strategy here as well, especially if you hyperlink the words.

Overall, you should develop about 20-30 keywords or key phrases, use a variety of them in your articles and update them regularly. Your keywords will evolve as your business evolves.

Another way to expose your articles to a global audience online is through blogging. You can upload articles to your blog, to give your readers interesting, useful information that can help them solve a problem or improve their lifestyle. Blogs are a great way of keeping in touch with customers and contacts, and continuing to add value to your product. Again, these blog articles must not be sales letters; they need to be interesting and informative. Blogs tend to be a more personal means of communicating with your readers, and this also helps to develop trust and respect for both you and your product.

If you follow these guidelines for article marketing to promote your online business, you will see your customers and your sales increase.

Enzo F. Cesario is a Copywriter and co-founder of Brandsplat.

Brandcasting uses informative content and state-of-the-art internet distribution and optimization to build links and drive the right kind of traffic to your website. The approach is simple, highly effective and affordable. Visit our website to learn more about how we can deliver higher traffic and more profits to your website.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Being Different As An Article Marketer

After you have decided on your niche for your online business, it is essential that you position yourself to attract traffic to it. Using article marketing is an excellent means for traffic generation, and being different as an article marketer - having a unique slant or perspective - will make you competitive in getting those visitors.

Article marketing is not an end in itself - it is a tool to use to build your online business where, appropriately in the process, you will offer products or services to meet folk's needs.

One thing that has potential high rewards is to focus your article writing on high ticket consulting or coaching services, rather than simply promoting products.

Through this you share your knowledge and expertise in programs that will truly assist folks obtain their goals and not simply drain their hard-earned dollars - as so many have.

To Do This You will need

• Credibility

• Reputation as honest and trustworthy

• Expertise in your niche

• A unique perspective and selling point - not just a mirror of what is already successful.

• Good communication and interpersonal skills

• Sincere caring for your readers who are potentially your eventual clients

And Be Prepared

• To do research

• To learn from experts who have success already - and then focus on your own point of view.

• Give commitment and time to your work - treat it as a business

While Giving Sound and Useful Information

• In your articles

• Through a website and/or blog

Note: The last will act as a back-up your article writing and even be a place where it (article information) is all in one place.

Article marketing is a tool to attract potential buying clients and you must have something set up that shows off your business and provides resources for visitors and subscribers. A website is your best tool as it is your "storefront". Incidentally, I think a blog is best used to drive traffic to the website and your landing pages.

Being different as an article marketer ought be reflected in the ancillary activities you do in your online business. For example, your website must look and be professional in its appearance and in its content. It is a static way for people to view and assess your commitment to offering a high quality service to help clients meet their challenges. Doing this will set you apart.

There are good programs and companies that offer affordable websites where you do not need technical knowledge of website building.

Don't pay a fortune (read thousands) to get a website. They will perform no better than a reasonably priced one. AND, don't lash out lots of your hard-earned dollars on getting someone to do your website SEO.

Take time to learn SEO (search engine optimization) for your article writing (necessary) and, it will serve you for your website and blog posting as well.

Last, but not least, develop knowledge about a vigorous marketing campaign to promote both product awareness and to build name recognition.

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Peter Ryan is an Internet marketer who believes in "paying it forward" and helping others succeed online & can be reached via his website's contact page.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Are You Using Article Marketing?

I have noticed that many websites do not spend much time on what would be considered traditional SEO (Search Engine Optimization). I find many of the top rated websites for a search do not have any or meta tags or at least they do not bother with the keywords meta tag. They do not worry about how many times a keyword appears on a page. They could care less about duplicate content. They just worry about backlinks. If they get a greater number of backlinks to their site and they have at least combined their content in a useful way even if it is duplicate content, as long as, it is combined in a new way so that the page over all is not a duplicate, they regular add content, users are happy and visit the site frequently as they are get the content they want in a use able format.

If you think duplicate content receives a penalty look at all the newspaper sites and or similar sites. They all carry many of the same articles and content, but in a different format or mix which allows them to be different. Now of course having 100% original content will be ideal and will greatly improve your odds of ranking higher, but we believe that it does not play anywhere near the importance many would have you believe.

We feel Article marketing is one of the best ways to get your website known. We believe this as it is one of the fastest ways to get backlinks, as well as, instant free traffic from those subscribing and visiting the article directories. We also believe it is one of the best ways to add additional value and content to your sites. If you are not taking advantage of the vast free content available on article directories you are most likely spending way too much time on content creation. While you will want to create your own content and make it available to others via the article directories it should not be the only content on your websites.

We believe that you could easily start with a ratio of 1 original article for every 3 article directory articles on your site. That is right only 25% original. Remember that the 3 articles you choose to add to your site that are "not original" are in a different order than anywhere else on the net. The combination of your original articles and the free articles is unique and if focused for your niche you are adding value by providing an easy to consume format for your users.

Adding value is what the search engines care about. If you are providing a valuable service by searching the article directories and net and pulling together and creating the desired content for your niche and you do it in a way that others in your niche appreciate. Then your hard work and ability to provide the information and products they are looking for will be reward by the search engines as well.

So what are you waiting for? Start finding and creating some killer content for your websites. Go to your nearest article directory and then create some articles and share them with the world then using the same article directories make sure you compliment your articles with some of the awesome content related to your niche that will provide the rich user experience your niche is starving for. It is never too late to start taking advantage of one of the greatest marketing techniques every developed.

About Author: Jim Vomers

Our Mission is to teach businesses how to succeed by uncovering and leveraging their hidden marketing assets allowing their business to grow exponentially without spending more money achieving maximum return on advertising and investments.

Website: HMA Hidden Marketing Assets http://www.vomers.com

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Article Marketing and Keywords

You are an existing business or a start up trying to increase profits. You have written tons of promotions, newsletters, and other information that you have sent out to people on your mailing list. But yet you're not receiving the desired responses and/or results.You have an autoresponder and tracking systems in place, and still yet you're not getting the results you desired.

Have you ever thought that the problem could not be in all that, but instead in the words you are using in your article marketing? Perhaps your competition is using SEO technology and you're not.

All search engines on the internet have been developed and created to look for keywords whenever an individual searches the internet for anything. Generally, when someone is interested in finding out information about this or that they enter subject words, or keywords. Keywords are what search engines are designed to look for and, also, what lead your potential customer to you, or sends them to your competitor. Thus, Search Engine Optimization is about the use of keywords and images.

So what does this mean to your article marketing?

It means that all the articles you send out to article directories must be filled with keywords and phrases about your services and products.

Those keywords are the words a search engine will seek when someone enters specific words, into their search engine, that might be related to your business. If, in your article, you are going to give free basketball tickets away you might want your keywords not to only reflect free basketball tickets, but also the teams playing and where there are playing at. The team names and game location could be considered keywords and could be an effective way of utilizing SEO opportunities. It's basically as simple as that.

If you find yourself having difficulty coming up with keywords related to your business then go on the internet and look at what your competitor is using to increase their business online. Read their information and take notes of the keywords they are using to attract their customers.

When you write your own articles, utilize some of these keywords, along with your own.

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Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Has Article Marketing Died?

There are always rumors and tons of theories floating around the World Wide Web. This is not any different when it pertains to marketing and in fact, advertising groups may be the most theorized group of individuals on the net. Because advertising and marketing is an ever changing process it is sometimes difficult for business owners to keep up with and much speculation comes from this uncertainty. In the very recent past, with other advertising developments some commented that article marketing would slowly die out. Not only has this not happened, statistics suggest that article marketing is very popular and only growing.

Taking the time to understand why article marketing became such a huge hit in the first place may help explain why it is here to stay. People look for information, facts and reviews of products and services online. When a site provides well written articles or pieces of information they are more likely to make that sale. This is because the article marketing has provided that consumer with something that they needed and helped them make their purchasing decision. Because consumers will likely always seek good information before they make a purchase or sign up for a membership, article marketing will probably be a success for many years.

While some may believe that the SEO and informational pieces are not useful, they couldn't be more wrong. How can anyone argue with the proven track record of SEO and fresh content to websites of all backgrounds and sizes? There is no denying that article marketing has made a huge impact on advertising and is still very much alive!

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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Article Marketing Research - Optimizing Articles' Visibility

Marketing Research serves a inherently useful business function:

1. To provide knowledge of target markets

2. To provide industry specific products, services and pricing information

3. To obtain a thorough knowledge of competitors in conjunction with comparative businesses

To properly understand the function of marketing research, volumes of information are mined from media, industry and commerce resources that help to create a clearer marketing picture for businesses. It also provides data that aids in preparing marketing and sales campaigns.

With the advent of online marketing and sales, article marketing research has become a crucial part of online businesses. Structures and formats involved in standard research and development of article marketing research is linked with newly created algorithms of today's most popular search engines. In print media, article marketing research is a large factor in how a particular article's topic is disseminated to various media sources. For online eZines, use of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SERP (Search Engine Results Page) play a huge role in internet visibility and promotional business saturation rates. For these articles, a clear-cut standardization of keywords help develop the most strategic positioning of articles online. This is one area of article marketing research that has enormous potential for online businesses who take the time and effort to advance their knowledge and understanding of this particular aspect of marketing research.

Creating the High-Volume Article Traffic

Writing articles for online eZines and commercial target markets needs the type of structure and format that may differ from that of print marketing for offline media. Key to this is how well written these articles need to be in order to receive high-volume traffic and readership by users. The internet is a vast cyberspace of millions of bits of information. This puts the competition rate for readership at the "million-to-one" ratio. But, it also emphasizes the need for keener awareness by article authors of their competition. Several questions arise that most writers of articles should consider when writing for online readership:

1. How viable is the article?

2. What will direct readers to read this article?

3. Why is the article different, better or more informational than competitors?

4. Will it be lost among millions of others on the internet?

Creating high-volume article traffic means that the quality of the article has to surpass the levels of the most superior in order to compete with multitudes of similar articles. This also means that the central focus must offer a fresh, unique approach that not only quickly grabs attention; but, also holds it. Otherwise, the article is just a bland, reincarnation of thousands of other articles. This is where article marketing research becomes the mechanism to pull in higher volumes of article traffic. While it may seem using links from other internet resources may be the best answer, unless these online resources are 100% factual, accurate and unbiased, the percentage of superiority to other articles is instantly reduced. The question becomes: Is this article just an addenda to the thousands of others like it? The issue of originality is the basis of the quality of article marketing research. Without originality, article marketing research forces the writer of online articles into mediocrity.

Source Information Validity

The most comprehensive means of assuring accuracy, factuality and unbiased source information is to use the "3" method. For instance, choose 3 separate and distinct sources on the same article subject. Pull from these sources 3 similar central themes. If they are alike and the sources are recognizably valid, it's safe to rely on the validity of these sources of information.

If you want to optimize your Internet Marketing profits by using Article Marketing, then you must read our "Article Marketing To Millions" report. Download it while it's still available for Free in our website http://articlemarketingtomillions.com.