Monday, January 16, 2012

Are You Using Article Marketing?

I have noticed that many websites do not spend much time on what would be considered traditional SEO (Search Engine Optimization). I find many of the top rated websites for a search do not have any or meta tags or at least they do not bother with the keywords meta tag. They do not worry about how many times a keyword appears on a page. They could care less about duplicate content. They just worry about backlinks. If they get a greater number of backlinks to their site and they have at least combined their content in a useful way even if it is duplicate content, as long as, it is combined in a new way so that the page over all is not a duplicate, they regular add content, users are happy and visit the site frequently as they are get the content they want in a use able format.

If you think duplicate content receives a penalty look at all the newspaper sites and or similar sites. They all carry many of the same articles and content, but in a different format or mix which allows them to be different. Now of course having 100% original content will be ideal and will greatly improve your odds of ranking higher, but we believe that it does not play anywhere near the importance many would have you believe.

We feel Article marketing is one of the best ways to get your website known. We believe this as it is one of the fastest ways to get backlinks, as well as, instant free traffic from those subscribing and visiting the article directories. We also believe it is one of the best ways to add additional value and content to your sites. If you are not taking advantage of the vast free content available on article directories you are most likely spending way too much time on content creation. While you will want to create your own content and make it available to others via the article directories it should not be the only content on your websites.

We believe that you could easily start with a ratio of 1 original article for every 3 article directory articles on your site. That is right only 25% original. Remember that the 3 articles you choose to add to your site that are "not original" are in a different order than anywhere else on the net. The combination of your original articles and the free articles is unique and if focused for your niche you are adding value by providing an easy to consume format for your users.

Adding value is what the search engines care about. If you are providing a valuable service by searching the article directories and net and pulling together and creating the desired content for your niche and you do it in a way that others in your niche appreciate. Then your hard work and ability to provide the information and products they are looking for will be reward by the search engines as well.

So what are you waiting for? Start finding and creating some killer content for your websites. Go to your nearest article directory and then create some articles and share them with the world then using the same article directories make sure you compliment your articles with some of the awesome content related to your niche that will provide the rich user experience your niche is starving for. It is never too late to start taking advantage of one of the greatest marketing techniques every developed.

About Author: Jim Vomers

Our Mission is to teach businesses how to succeed by uncovering and leveraging their hidden marketing assets allowing their business to grow exponentially without spending more money achieving maximum return on advertising and investments.

Website: HMA Hidden Marketing Assets

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