Saturday, January 14, 2012

Article Marketing and Keywords

You are an existing business or a start up trying to increase profits. You have written tons of promotions, newsletters, and other information that you have sent out to people on your mailing list. But yet you're not receiving the desired responses and/or results.You have an autoresponder and tracking systems in place, and still yet you're not getting the results you desired.

Have you ever thought that the problem could not be in all that, but instead in the words you are using in your article marketing? Perhaps your competition is using SEO technology and you're not.

All search engines on the internet have been developed and created to look for keywords whenever an individual searches the internet for anything. Generally, when someone is interested in finding out information about this or that they enter subject words, or keywords. Keywords are what search engines are designed to look for and, also, what lead your potential customer to you, or sends them to your competitor. Thus, Search Engine Optimization is about the use of keywords and images.

So what does this mean to your article marketing?

It means that all the articles you send out to article directories must be filled with keywords and phrases about your services and products.

Those keywords are the words a search engine will seek when someone enters specific words, into their search engine, that might be related to your business. If, in your article, you are going to give free basketball tickets away you might want your keywords not to only reflect free basketball tickets, but also the teams playing and where there are playing at. The team names and game location could be considered keywords and could be an effective way of utilizing SEO opportunities. It's basically as simple as that.

If you find yourself having difficulty coming up with keywords related to your business then go on the internet and look at what your competitor is using to increase their business online. Read their information and take notes of the keywords they are using to attract their customers.

When you write your own articles, utilize some of these keywords, along with your own.

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Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

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