Thursday, January 12, 2012

Has Article Marketing Died?

There are always rumors and tons of theories floating around the World Wide Web. This is not any different when it pertains to marketing and in fact, advertising groups may be the most theorized group of individuals on the net. Because advertising and marketing is an ever changing process it is sometimes difficult for business owners to keep up with and much speculation comes from this uncertainty. In the very recent past, with other advertising developments some commented that article marketing would slowly die out. Not only has this not happened, statistics suggest that article marketing is very popular and only growing.

Taking the time to understand why article marketing became such a huge hit in the first place may help explain why it is here to stay. People look for information, facts and reviews of products and services online. When a site provides well written articles or pieces of information they are more likely to make that sale. This is because the article marketing has provided that consumer with something that they needed and helped them make their purchasing decision. Because consumers will likely always seek good information before they make a purchase or sign up for a membership, article marketing will probably be a success for many years.

While some may believe that the SEO and informational pieces are not useful, they couldn't be more wrong. How can anyone argue with the proven track record of SEO and fresh content to websites of all backgrounds and sizes? There is no denying that article marketing has made a huge impact on advertising and is still very much alive!

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Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

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