Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Article Marketing Research - Optimizing Articles' Visibility

Marketing Research serves a inherently useful business function:

1. To provide knowledge of target markets

2. To provide industry specific products, services and pricing information

3. To obtain a thorough knowledge of competitors in conjunction with comparative businesses

To properly understand the function of marketing research, volumes of information are mined from media, industry and commerce resources that help to create a clearer marketing picture for businesses. It also provides data that aids in preparing marketing and sales campaigns.

With the advent of online marketing and sales, article marketing research has become a crucial part of online businesses. Structures and formats involved in standard research and development of article marketing research is linked with newly created algorithms of today's most popular search engines. In print media, article marketing research is a large factor in how a particular article's topic is disseminated to various media sources. For online eZines, use of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SERP (Search Engine Results Page) play a huge role in internet visibility and promotional business saturation rates. For these articles, a clear-cut standardization of keywords help develop the most strategic positioning of articles online. This is one area of article marketing research that has enormous potential for online businesses who take the time and effort to advance their knowledge and understanding of this particular aspect of marketing research.

Creating the High-Volume Article Traffic

Writing articles for online eZines and commercial target markets needs the type of structure and format that may differ from that of print marketing for offline media. Key to this is how well written these articles need to be in order to receive high-volume traffic and readership by users. The internet is a vast cyberspace of millions of bits of information. This puts the competition rate for readership at the "million-to-one" ratio. But, it also emphasizes the need for keener awareness by article authors of their competition. Several questions arise that most writers of articles should consider when writing for online readership:

1. How viable is the article?

2. What will direct readers to read this article?

3. Why is the article different, better or more informational than competitors?

4. Will it be lost among millions of others on the internet?

Creating high-volume article traffic means that the quality of the article has to surpass the levels of the most superior in order to compete with multitudes of similar articles. This also means that the central focus must offer a fresh, unique approach that not only quickly grabs attention; but, also holds it. Otherwise, the article is just a bland, reincarnation of thousands of other articles. This is where article marketing research becomes the mechanism to pull in higher volumes of article traffic. While it may seem using links from other internet resources may be the best answer, unless these online resources are 100% factual, accurate and unbiased, the percentage of superiority to other articles is instantly reduced. The question becomes: Is this article just an addenda to the thousands of others like it? The issue of originality is the basis of the quality of article marketing research. Without originality, article marketing research forces the writer of online articles into mediocrity.

Source Information Validity

The most comprehensive means of assuring accuracy, factuality and unbiased source information is to use the "3" method. For instance, choose 3 separate and distinct sources on the same article subject. Pull from these sources 3 similar central themes. If they are alike and the sources are recognizably valid, it's safe to rely on the validity of these sources of information.

If you want to optimize your Internet Marketing profits by using Article Marketing, then you must read our "Article Marketing To Millions" report. Download it while it's still available for Free in our website http://articlemarketingtomillions.com.

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