Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Being Different As An Article Marketer

After you have decided on your niche for your online business, it is essential that you position yourself to attract traffic to it. Using article marketing is an excellent means for traffic generation, and being different as an article marketer - having a unique slant or perspective - will make you competitive in getting those visitors.

Article marketing is not an end in itself - it is a tool to use to build your online business where, appropriately in the process, you will offer products or services to meet folk's needs.

One thing that has potential high rewards is to focus your article writing on high ticket consulting or coaching services, rather than simply promoting products.

Through this you share your knowledge and expertise in programs that will truly assist folks obtain their goals and not simply drain their hard-earned dollars - as so many have.

To Do This You will need

• Credibility

• Reputation as honest and trustworthy

• Expertise in your niche

• A unique perspective and selling point - not just a mirror of what is already successful.

• Good communication and interpersonal skills

• Sincere caring for your readers who are potentially your eventual clients

And Be Prepared

• To do research

• To learn from experts who have success already - and then focus on your own point of view.

• Give commitment and time to your work - treat it as a business

While Giving Sound and Useful Information

• In your articles

• Through a website and/or blog

Note: The last will act as a back-up your article writing and even be a place where it (article information) is all in one place.

Article marketing is a tool to attract potential buying clients and you must have something set up that shows off your business and provides resources for visitors and subscribers. A website is your best tool as it is your "storefront". Incidentally, I think a blog is best used to drive traffic to the website and your landing pages.

Being different as an article marketer ought be reflected in the ancillary activities you do in your online business. For example, your website must look and be professional in its appearance and in its content. It is a static way for people to view and assess your commitment to offering a high quality service to help clients meet their challenges. Doing this will set you apart.

There are good programs and companies that offer affordable websites where you do not need technical knowledge of website building.

Don't pay a fortune (read thousands) to get a website. They will perform no better than a reasonably priced one. AND, don't lash out lots of your hard-earned dollars on getting someone to do your website SEO.

Take time to learn SEO (search engine optimization) for your article writing (necessary) and, it will serve you for your website and blog posting as well.

Last, but not least, develop knowledge about a vigorous marketing campaign to promote both product awareness and to build name recognition.

Would you like to learn more or keep updated for tips on Affiliate & Internet Marketing?
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Additionally, my page of Website Design Options - will give you ideas for the best website program available

Peter Ryan is an Internet marketer who believes in "paying it forward" and helping others succeed online & can be reached via his website's contact page.

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