Monday, January 23, 2012

Affiliate Marketing Insider - Successful Article Marketing

Affiliate marketing is among the most perspective sectors of online business. The marketing mix in affiliate marketing includes different tools and methods like banner marketing, blog marketing, e-mail marketing, SEO, article marketing, etc.

Article marketing is one of the most effective methods of promotion in affiliate marketing. Successful article marketing is based on the regular submission of valuable articles to article directories, open to the general and specialized audience. Quality articles, developing topics of your area of expertise, connected to the promoted product and wisely redirecting to your affiliate website, are an irreplaceable technique to increase awareness, build brand equity, boost credibility and generate significant traffic. Hence - article marketing is an indispensable medium to increase conversions.

The beauty of articles marketing is that quality materials are rarely perceived by the common reader as an advertisement, but as useful and informative pieces. Therefore, reader is open to messages and disposed to share article with friends, driving the word-of-mouth channel, recognized by marketers as one of the most effective. Successful campaign both drives direct traffic to your website and generates great number of reprints in other websites.

To start a successful article marketing campaign, you have to identify several topics from your area of expertise that could be both interesting to audience and could naturally redirect reader to your affiliate product and website and provoke to action. Experts are sharing the most important issues to consider when writing a material for your article marketing campaign:

1. The Keywords

Carefully selected relevant keywords will allow search engines include your article in your target keywords searches. Make your thorough research on the most appropriate keywords to include and make sure to incorporate them in the text. Experts advise to aim at 1-5% of keyword density.

2. The Title

The title is extremely important for the success of your article, as it is the first contact of the potential reader/ client to your material to make him/ her decide to do or do not read the text.

The effective title is not only an accurate description about what the reader will find in your article body. The title is promising to deliver unique useful information on a specific topic. We recommend narrow focus of the title to allow you cover the topic completely within the volume of your article. A good choice is to include keywords in your title to optimize search results, but never stuffing title with keywords decreasing quality.

Experts also advise that the title provokes a question in reader mind to provoke him/ her read the article and find the answer.

3. The Content

The content of your article is what could win reader attention, after you have grabbed him/ her with an attractive title and make him/her visit your website, ready to buy! Original, highly informative quality content could not only drive one-time traffic by the side of reader, but keep him/ her coming back for more of your articles and therefore - build brand equity, authority and credibility.

We can not ever forget the inherent connection between the content and the title - the body of the article should develop all aspects of the question, emerging in a reader mind after seeing the title. The recommendable volume of the article body is usually between 400 and 700 words, but each article directory has own specifications.

Keywords density is crucial here to optimize search engine results. Style and language of the text are another extremely important issue on the article body - no mistakes are allowed here; style and language should be consistent with target group mindset.

These were the basic article marketing topics when writing for your affiliate marketing business. Always remember that the main purpose of an article is to help you direct readers to your website, boost conversion and increase your income. Therefore, you have to always develop themes of the area of interest of your affiliate business, to make natural the keywords and the relevance of website.

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