Thursday, November 24, 2011

Article Marketing - The Easiest Way to Get Traffic to Your Website for Free

I have been Article Marketing for several years now. For me it has been a slow, but increasing profitable venture for me. I started off by writing an article on a product, then moving on to another product and writing an article on that product. So I would eventually have many products I would be promoting with one article to each product.
For each product, I would have to develop a pre-sell page. So for each product I would write an article and develop a pre-sell page. This method is quite labor intensive and brings little traffic.
So what I needed was traffic, but how do I get it?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO is the process of making your article more visible to various search engines, so that when a person searches for your product, the article you have written would be presented by the search engines on page one. To be listed on page one of the search engines though you need to make the article easy to locate. There are several ways to do this, but here are two free ways:

Key Words- These are the words that people type to search for a product or subject. If your article has these key words in the title and are placed in key locations in your article, the chances are good your article will be presented to the searcher on page one of the search engine.
Back Links- Back links are links from other web sites to your article. You can get back links by posting comments on blogs similar to your article and putting a link to your article or pre-sell page. For me this was to time consuming.
More Articles
After several years of stumbling through the dark in trying to make money in Article Writing, I found the key was to write many articles on the product I was promoting.
For example, I promote plans for building greenhouses. I had a greenhouse when I lived in Alaska, so I write many articles on my life in Alaska. With more articles and using the key word Alaska, Alaska living and Alaska greenhouse, I have greatly improved my traffic and my sales.
Plus using a popular article publisher such as Ezine, will improve your page rankings on the search engines.
To get free traffic to your articles you can use back links and key words. But the best way I found to get free traffic to your articles is to use key words and write many articles with great key words.

Jimmy Chase has been writing articles for several years, to learn more about his experience and learn more about article writing, go to his web site

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

10 Questions to See If Article Marketing is Right For You

Will Article Marketing Work for You?
Article marketing takes time, but it is effective. To find out if it worth the time and effort ask yourself these ten questions.
Are you looking to grow your business?
Articles will help attract attention to your website and will contribute to your bottom line.
Are you looking for more prospects?
Many web surfers are looking online for information. When you provide a solution or answer to their problem, you will attract prospects, who may then become customers.
Do you want to stand out from the competition?
When you write informative articles that are published on the various article databases you are getting an implied endorsement from the publisher. Top ranked, high traffic article sites don't just publish anything that is submitted. So when you add your article to these sites you are judged to be at a higher level than the competition. Be careful not to write a sales pitch, this could work against you.
Are you trying to build your brand?
Article marketing can help accomplish that. When you write articles and get published on various sites you will start to be recognized as an expert in your subject. The more you do this the more "brand" recognition you receive.
Are you trying to maximize online exposure to reach a highly targeted audience?
If you have ever wondered how some of the articles get published, the answer is quite simple. The author wrote them and submitted them. This puts the writer at an advantage in that the article is being seen and read 24/7.
Are you trying to improve your SEO and search engine rankings?
Article marketing will help with this by creating high quality links to your site. The bigger the article site, the more clout your link will have. The more high quality links you have the higher you rank in the search results. Many article sites have a high PageRank.
Are you trying to build your subscriber list?
By writing articles on your niche topic people will begin to see you as an expert on the subject, and will search for your material. By writing articles and getting them published, you will be able to build a list of dedicated subscribers. The benefits of a loyal mailing list are self evident.
Do you have a special report you can use to promote you site?
Writing articles will help get the word out on your report. You could write an article that highlights some of the top findings of the report. Most article databases will allow you to include a link to drive people to download the full report.
Are you selling an information product?
You can create several articles from an eBook, or other information product. This is an excellent way to develop the readers interest and send them to your site for more information. Keep the article informative and avoid the urge to try and sell the reader. Some sites wont allow this and it is more effective to just offer the article with a link to your site.
Are you trying to stand out from the competition?
Article writing is an excellent way to get attention on the web. Most of the article sites are jam packed with informative articles. This keeps your prospects coming back and it keeps the search engines coming back as well.
Is article marketing perfect for you? Only you can answer that question. If it is then there is no time like the present to get started.

Robert Emmerson is a freelance writer specializing in Internet marketing, SEO, Blogging, and making money online. If you found this article helpful, read his Blog which is loaded with more useful content on this, and related topics. []

Article Marketing

In the present time, people are doing business with the use of internet. Perhaps, you are one of the many people who are interested in jumping in that bandwagon. Nowadays, competition among businesses has grown bigger; that's why a business owner like you should search for and try some exceptional yet cost effective internet marketing strategies. These marketing strategies can enhance and develop your business identity over the World Wide Web.
There are plenty of marketing strategies that you can use. The opportunities are endless, but you have to pick one that best compliments your business. One marketing strategy that has proven to be cost effective and highly efficient is article marketing. What is more, you can make it more special by adding in search engine optimization.
Search engine optimization is such unique tool, and one that can be a competitive web marketing strategy. It mainly focuses on getting your website a higher search engine ranking. It does this by funneling traffic to your site by making it show up quickly when a person does an internet search for your niche.
When it comes to a global perspective, search engine optimization can be a benefit to you. What you have to do is to select keywords or key phrases to target potential clients. The search engine optimization will guarantee that your company will be found. Search engine optimization can help reach your potential clients from anywhere in the world.
Another benefit of an article marketing with SEO campaign is that it can increase the number of visitors to your website with the help of the targeted keywords or phrases. The people who visit your website can turn into potential clients; this is what SEO does. This is the only web marketing campaign that can drive traffic to your website. As more people visit your website, the chances of you getting some sales increases. SEO can increase your website's visibility in search engines.
Article marketing with the use of SEO is one amazing marketing strategy. You can get a high return on investment and you can increase the volume of sales and profit. This is one marketing strategy that you should look forward to doing, because it is very cost effective. You do not have to invest large sums of money. You can just bring in a minimum amount of investment, and you get to have a maximum exposure in return.
Your company can succeed in the web economy with the help of search engine optimization. Just remember that you need to come up with articles that people would enjoy reading. You can entice potential clients with the use of your articles. Make sure that you have an article with excellent content. An article marketing strategy is one great tool that will not go away and will be used for a long period of time. It is one effective way of informing your potential clients about your products or services.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

An Overview Of Article Marketing

One of the ways to help promote an online business is by writing content which is read by others, and the resource box at the bottom of the article has a URL for them to follow to the website for more information. To achieve the best results from this advertising technique, there are some SEO Rules for article marketing success that are in place. Let's take a look at some details concerning this tactic.
A million articles can't make up for a poorly designed website, and if it is cluttered or confusing, new visitors will simply close the browser window and click on the next link. Graphics can be attractive, but they can easily be overdone. It would be more important to make sure there is a Contact Us form so they visitor can ask any needed questions.
Trying to promote a business can be expensive, if money is spent on advertising, and when there are other methods such as writing content that can be indexed by search engines it can be more affordable. Keywords are the crucial difference in marketing content, and each of the content directories have certain rules that govern the use of these words.
Writing the articles is the easy part, and afterward it is necessary to find all of the article directories which accept this type of content. Each of them have their own rules and regulations, and part of them include choosing an area of expertise. Then sign up and submit a sample for them to approve, and once it passes it will be posted for others to read.
Submitting content can help create those all too needed back links which are indexed by the SEs and can help raise the SERPs for any website. These back links appear in the Resource Box, along with some additional information which is allowed. Making sure the content is accepted by the directory can involve several attempts before the editors finally pass it.
After a person gains some experience in writing content that is accepted, they can develop a following. At some point they might become a Spotlight Author, or a featured writer, and then they may be asked to write content for other peoples websites. These authors write the content which is on the front page of newspapers, magazines and other information sources.
Another area which can be finely tuned is in niche writing. Here a person finds a specialized area, or product, to zoom in their focus and gather a following of people who are interested in that subject. The importance here is to find a product or service that is not currently flooding the Internet, and then distribute as many articles about it as possible.
Article marketing can be profitable in many ways, as well as getting the word out about a business and the products it offers. It can also create countless back links which point to your website and help raise the sites ranking in the search engines. The PPC ads which are displayed along with the content, can also generate revenue for the author.

Get complete details and information on how article marketing for SEO can expand your reach to a broader audience fast and easy! When you want to use an effective article marketing strategy, you can find the details now from Debbie Babbitt's and her partners bootcamp training.

Article Marketing - Learn Where to Find a Article Marketing Product That Will Tell All

The challenge in article marketing isn't about out doing some ones keyword density or surpassing the amount of content they have written in their article.
Can those techniques work? Yes. But if you want to capture popular keywords that really generate some traffic, you must get off that hunt for the perfect article marketing product. And sit back and learn the "Actions" of a expert article marketer.
Article Marketing Actions
I am not talking on specific addition or secret to add as you write a SEO article or as you submit it. I'm talking consistency. Marketing in general is all about consistency. Will you wake up every morning and slave through that task of writing 6 SEO articles and 6 promo articles? Will you take the extra time after each article and bookmark each article? Will you spend 10 minutes to promote them in forums?
Because most won't. They'll be driven for a couple of days to do it. But the arduous work of becoming a successful Internet Marketer will take over.
Which will prove my first point, on why article marketing products won't share this fact about article marketing? Because putting this out their will scare away people. Article Marketing is truly the greatest, cheapest, and successful form of marketing out their. But it takes strength and follow through.
So here's exactly what you need to do to assure that your producing the right marketing actions and success you've always wanted. Copy down your weekly actions,your daily actions and have them ready the day before. Run your plan over in your head the night before. And then, reward yourself for completing it and reflect on the success you had from it...
Am I talking about personal development? "In some cases but I'm no personal development lover. But I was hungry and I still am to continue to grow in Internet marketing and have my business become as large as possible."

Would You Like To Know How I Do It? Well grab my just finished 2009 edition of generating tons of traffic and building a huge list with my Article Marketing Boot Camp
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Monday, November 21, 2011

SEO Through Article Marketing

SEO is one of the keywords you will encounter most often on the web these days. SEO is the acronym for Search Engine Optimization and is the process through which you can increase the traffic coming to your site.
Any web developer knows that creating a site is nothing compared to actually promoting it. Without the promotion, the website has no value as no one will ever visit it. This is the problem most people confront with and it's the point where most online business owners give up. There is an amazing amount of competition these days and cutting through it is not the easiest thing to do.
So how can you do SEO, how can you increase your traffic without hitting the wall? Article marketing is the answer everyone is looking for.
So what is article marketing? The thing is that traditional marketing or advertising is no longer the bets option you have. Internet users hate ads and they only close them, ignore them and even get annoyed by them. But the actual purpose is to get the user to click the ad, follow the link and follow it without any bad feeling.
The main idea is to give something to the user so he will be happy to follow your link, to visit your site and ultimately purchase from you. One of the most important aspects of Internet and which many people overlook is the fact that information is much more valuable than anything else, even money.
People don't search on Google looking for money, but for information. So what would happen if you would give your visitors information and not banners and ads? They might actually click your link. Article marketing is all about writing an article which actually give something useful to the user. At the bottom of the article you can include your link or if you are able to you can even blend it in context. Writing an article is not that complicated specially when you write about the topics you like and know, about the things related to your business.
Once you have your article written all you have to do is post it on some article directory. This way you will have access to all the directory's visitors, you will get that much needed backlink and in the end you will be doing SEO in an effective and productive manner.
The best part about SEO through article marketing is that both you and your readers receive something, it's a win-win situation and this way it is more effective than any other SEO technique you can use. Just go ahead and start writing that article. Spice it up, make it interesting and submit it.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

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What is Content Marketing, Or Define Article Marketing?

Lately many people have asked me, "What is Content Marketing?" I define Content Marketing as the creation and distribution of relevant content to attract and engage a targeted audience. An effective and inexpensive website promotion tool, it can help you boost your organic search rankings and can also act as a form of Internet viral marketing. If your articles are interesting, others will want to include them in their blog posts and on their websites. It is a surprisingly effective way to get traffic-building "backlinks" to your own site. A backlink is where you get to post your URL or website at the end of the article you authored.
As you progress, you'll use the practice of posting keyword-focused articles on article sites that will syndicate your content. This is an important website promotion technique because some of these article syndication sites have a large readership following. Articles can be written to target certain keyword niches, and distributed to content publishers that cater to those markets. This way you will be able to "speak" directly to the market or group of people you want.
The website where you can post an article is known as an article directory. The main reason they allow you to post an article without cost is that the directory owner places advertising on each article page and collects the revenue from the advertising. The article directory site gradually increases its own search engine popularity as more articles are posted, benefiting both you and the directory owner with increased visitors.
Professionals have used Article marketing strategies for nearly as long as mass print has been available. The original content article you write related to your industry, product or service, serves the dual role of providing Article Directory Sites with what amounts to free content, and you with similarly free advertising. Each article you write can contain a bio box or signature box that references your contact information including a link back to your website. Well-written content articles released for free distribution have the potential of increasing your business' credibility within your market as well as attracting new prospects. If your published articles are well liked, your content becomes available for all to see - and potentially reuse.
When done properly, articles you post on syndicated article sites can become "link bait" for other sites. For example, let's say you own a home business that sells closet organizers. If you write an article about organizing your closet, others who want to post a blog entry about organizing a closet may link to your article, increasing exposure for your writing and your subject matter especially if the article site gets more traffic than your own website, which is likely. Keep in mind; it is a stated rule that if someone is to copy or use your content, they must leave the links or "backlinks" in your bio box or signature box area.
While all this is driving traffic to your site, it also provides other benefits. It supports SEO (Search Engine Optimization) based on the idea that a web-site's ranking in search engines will increase as it obtains more backlinks. Therefore, writing and distributing articles that contain a link to your website within the bio box should result in more links back to your website. This process increases your web-site's rank within search engines.
Some sites can even link your keyword phrase back to your specific website page that you're promoting with that keyword - a highly effective search engine optimization technique. Other sites won't allow you to do this, but they'll have no problem with you including links in your resource box (your profile or signature information used to let people know who you are), which adds important one-way backlinks to your website.
Search engine optimization (SEO) means the order in which web-pages are ranked when keywords or phrases are typed into search engines, like Google. The higher a page is ranked, the more likely it will draw a greater number of visitors to that site. For company websites, increased traffic often translates into increased sales. Article marketing is useful and effective for several leading Internet marketing ventures.
So what does all this mean to the person that may want to start marketing a product or business, or even themselves on the Internet? An Article Marketing Strategy is a terrific choice for the person without a marketing budget who wants to create long-standing results. It may take more time to develop, but can be much more effective in the long run.

Want to start building a following of people that look to you as the "expert" now that you understand what is content marketing. Great! To get help and training on everything from what to write about to how to get it seen all over the Internet, you'll need a reliable system to set up, teach, and manage the elements of a successful article marketing strategy.

Monday, November 14, 2011

How to Choose Topics For Article Marketing

Article marketing is an excellent way to keep a website fresh and full of information. This sounds wonderful in theory, but sometimes people come to a stand still on the type of content to place on the site. It is almost like a writers block whether the owner is writing or paying a ghost writer to do it for them. It is sometimes difficult to second guess what people want and the information that will draw them in, keep their attention and make a sale all in the process. There is however a few tips that can help web owners find the right topic to entice the reader and keep them coming back for more.
Choosing the topic should be based on the product or general concept of the entire site. The article should be based on information that the reader would benefit from reading. After all they are seeking information before making their buying decision, so give them what they want. Article marketing should center on the product, its uses and how it can better the customer's life or daily interactions. Articles packed with information about what the site is marketing is free publicity. It gives the reader something that they need to know or are wondering without even asking.
Most website owners focus their content on SEO or marketing techniques that help drive traffic to the site. It is important to remember that SEO is a good way to develop a article, but it should be more than a couple hundred words stuffed full of keywords. This doesn't mean anything to the reader and they will likely skip the product because it is not portrayed as helpful to them.

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Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Attracting Targeted Traffic With Article Marketing Services

One of the main objectives of every website owner is to be able to attract targeted traffic to their website. Article marketing has become one of the most effective SEO strategies that can help achieve this purpose. In fact the benefits of Article Marketing Services are manifold.
The process involves getting targeted and informative articles written by expert SEO writers and having them distributed to various online publishers and article submission sites. Social bookmarking is another vital aspect of article marketing. Social bookmarking can actually double the results of article marketing if the approved URLs are bookmarked to popular do-follow bookmarking sites.
Article marketing is one way in which you can develop yourself as an expert in your field. The internet is a place where disinformation is common. Many people write deceptive articles with the attempt to gain quick sales. However if your articles are composed of valuable information that truly benefits the reader then you will automatically be gaining credibility as an expert in your area of operation. This is something that will make you stand out amongst your competition.
When it comes to link popularity article marketing is one of the most effective tools that can help you to gain big time link juice. When assigning ranks to a particular website link popularity is definitely factored in by Google. The more in bound links you have to your website, coming from other quality sites, the better your search engine ranking is likely to get. Increased link popularity also translates as a heavier load of targeted traffic making it easy for them to find their way to your website thereby increasing sales for your company.
The concept of article marketing allows that you place an in bound link to your website at the end of the article in what is known as a resource box. This works well when you have a well written informative article that manages to impress the reader because it allows him to follow the link to your website once you have managed to convince him with the writing. This process is what helps you achieve better search engine rankings. Furthermore article marketing can also hasten the process of getting spiders to crawl your website. Article Marketing Services remove you of the need to wait until you receive traffic in order to get indexed with Google. Rather by spreading the word around the internet about the contents of your website you will have it spidered in a far quicker time.
Having quality articles written and published at various places on the internet actually helps to pre-sell your product. This will actually help the reader to make an informed decision. By the time he makes his way to your website he will already be in the mood to make a purchase. What's best is that this is one of the most cost effective means of internet marketing that is bound to bring about good results if employed properly. You will be able to find a host of affordable SEO services out there that can help you gain all the above mentioned benefits of article marketing.

Amber Smith is an expert online author, actively participating in article marketing for SEO Peace. It is a committed and established professional SEO company, offering affordable SEO services that cover social bookmarking, contextual link building service, manual directory submissions, article marketing services and much more. For more information, please visit

Article Marketing - The Backbone of Any Successful Internet Marketing Strategy

If you are involved in any form of online business or internet marketing, you are (or should be) familiar with web development and SEO.  Aside from the critical on-page search engine optimization of a webpage or website, off-page SEO is just is just as important.  Quality off-page search engine optimization does a few things for your online business, whether it be improving your site's ranking in the search engines or simply driving qualified traffic to your site.  The most common form of off-page search engine optimization is probably article marketing.  We'll discuss article marketing as an effective off-page SEO tool in this article.
Article marketing, as part of your off-page SEO strategies, is pretty straightforward and very easy to implement.  By choosing effective keywords that relate to your online business and linking to your website from your articles, you will not only improve your site's visibility on the internet but you will also drive qualified leads to your website.  An added benefit of article marketing is realized when your articles are syndicated, or picked up and distributed to other websites throughout the internet.  When your articles are syndicated, they generate even more backlinks to your site, further improving your site's search engine rankings.
When writing articles to promote your online business, be sure to choose 3 to 5 keywords that are related to your product or website and use them sporadically throughout your article.  However, be careful not to use them too often or the article winds up reading like a robot.  If your writing quality is good, you should have no problem getting your articles accepted by many of the hundreds of article directories that currently exist.  Quality articles are almost certain to be syndicated, further enhancing your off-page search engine optimization efforts.
In a nutshell, article marketing is both extremely effective while at the same time very simple to implement.  Choose related keywords, write about something you understand (your business or products), include links to your site where allowed, and improve your online presence as a result!

Visit for more information about web development and SEO

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Article Marketing - Ways and Techniques of Finding Them

Many years ago people from the other nation considered America as a land of opportunity but with the introduction of the internet things have changed as the world has become a smaller place to live. Many people make money online and are in touch with big companies online. Here are a few Article Marketing techniques which can help you make good money.
Before we understand what the techniques of article marketing are let us understand affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is advertising another person's merchandise and making money or a commission for that product. Some merchandise pays a good amount which is up to 75% of the product's price. Affiliate marketing gives 2 distinct benefits to a person who is new to the online marketing concept. Let us understand the benefits of Affiliate marketing.
A New Product is not required to be developed- These days one can find a lot of god products which can be easily promoted and some are already giving a good return already.

Customer Service not required- As the customer service is taken care of by the vendor a need for customer support is not required. The vendor does everything once you have made a sale all you need to do is cash the check you make for that sale!
The only reason for describing affiliated market is that is it directly connected to article marketing and is often used when an article is published on an article directory. Let us now understand the concept and several unreleased secrets of good quality article marketing. These are skill which may be trained, erudite, and developed eventually. A few of them consists of:
Writing excellent Copy- Being a very good writer is not always the criteria although beneficial in this business all you require to know is how the concept works.
An excellent forte- Locate a good product which will make sell and unearth the intended audience.
Search Engine Optimization or SEO- The concept of SEO or search engine optimization need to be known as it will help you in getting the articles listed on the search engines.
Generating income and selling can be really made easy if well planned. You need to get a few affiliated links and work this out via article marketing which is the cheapest way.
Being a very good writer is not the requirement although an asset. What is needed is step by step guide on article marketing which are easily available on the internet these days.

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How to Make Money Online - Article Marketing Strategies For the Beginner Internet Marketer

Of all the methods to make money online, article marketing strategies are some of the simplest and most straightforward. Using just your brains, your motivation, and your knowledge, you can leverage article directories and web 2.0 technologies to create a significant income for yourself over time.
Article marketing works because a significant amount of the time spent online is spent looking for targeted, authoritative information on one topic or another. When you write an article that specifically addresses the needs of a narrowly defined internet visitor, you improve the likelihood that they will seek to engage with you, your content, and possibly your products, at a deeper level.
Once you develop a way to monetize an online relationship, you can focus on creating those relationships (however temporary they may be) through article marketing.
Building an Online Money Tree
For a beginner, one of the most obvious paths to success online is with internet affiliate marketing. When you find an affiliate marketing program that is trustworthy, authoritative, and potentially lucrative, your next step would be to complete their sign up process so that they have a way to pay you.
Many affiliate programs will require you to sign up with ClickBank or PayPal so that they can send you payments easily and conveniently. You will then be assigned an affiliate link, so that they can track the activities and sales for which you will receive credit. Once you have your affiliate links, you are ready to make money online with article marketing. The following steps will help you maximize your income from your article marketing efforts.
5 Strategies for Successful Article Marketing Income
1. Start with Market Research
Many people take the time and effort to write excellent articles only to blow it because they are not customer-centric in their efforts. For instance, writing excellent articles for a market niche that does not have the money to buy products or that does not typically purchase information products online in great numbers.
Online market research involves identifying the informational needs of your target online market, and then locking in on the keywords and the destinations that they typically turn to in meeting their needs. Your keyword research should be extensive so that you maximize your ability to attract search engine traffic to your articles.
2. Create An Editorial Calendar
An editorial calendar is a general subject guide for feature articles used by publishers to organize their writers and pre-sell advertising. In your case, you will use an editorial calendar to make it easy for you to see the big picture of what you're writing about and to get your mind ready to write. It also makes it easier to write your articles in advance and publish later if you want to. For me, I have found that it helps me decrease or remove "writer's block" when I create an editorial calendar made up of article headlines to be written later.
3. Align Your Writing To Pre-Sell
It's not just enough to produce informative and well-written articles, your written content should also put your readers in a warm, ready-to-buy mood. Your articles should solve problems, clarify opportunities and make it easy for them to take action. In other words, you should write your content keeping its purpose in mind. One way to accomplish this is by consuming all the material you can from the seller for whom you are an affiliate. By doing so, you can weave in knowledge gained from them into the articles you write, and improve sales conversions later when your readers start consuming information that aligns with what they read earlier.
4. Develop Writing Rituals
Set up a protocol and a special space for writing your articles. Try to make sure that you don't have any distractions when you sit down to write. Successful writers have used writing rituals for millenia and they have proven to be very effective mental devices. If you find yourself, particularly stuck for something to write, just pull out your editorial calendar and make yourself write an article on one of the headlines you have stored.
5. Study Direct Response Advertising And Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
To get the most from online article marketing, you should spend some time educating yourself on direct response and search engine optimization principles. Direct response marketing has to do with advertising that asks the audience to take a specific action that can be measured and tracked. If you've ever watched a TV infomercial or received a piece of "junk mail" that asked you to make a purchase, you've seen direct response advertising.
The reason direct response is so important is that your headlines and your article resource boxes have to effectively trigger an "engagement response" from your online readers if you hope to maximize your income online. A simple strategy of crafting headlines that combine implied benefit with curiosity can get many more of your articles read when web searchers find them on the search engine results pages.
Those same direct response strategies also come in handy at the end of your article when you try to invite your readers to click through on the links in your article resource boxes (the brief "about the author" blurbs found at the end of most articles).
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is equally important online because without proper SEO, your article may not show up at all when online visitors enter their search terms into Google, Yahoo or any of the other search engines. A poorly optimized article can severely hamper your ability to generate free search engine traffic. By honing your skills in both areas, you give yourself a great chance to make money online with article marketing over the long run.

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Friday, November 11, 2011

Traffic Generation, Article Marketing And Pay Per Click

Obviously, these are all different means of attempting to promote products via the Internet, or selling items on the Internet, still yet some are to simply offer free information.
Whatever the case may be, you have to get the information out right? Well, there are several ways to do this. The first of course is traffic generation which can be done by SEO (search engine optimization) which will use key words that you have placed in the search engine to look for your web site. Another means is e marketing. This of course seems to be a fairly decent way to advertise however, some people who use this say they have minimal effects.
Article marketing can prove effective in the sense, that you can explain your products and initially entice people to go to your web site, and even give you a chance through the use of article marketing to explain your product or offer in a little more depth and understanding to whoever is willing to read the article.
Also, Pay per click is another process. This also allows those who promote the pay per click option on their web site to make money as well. Even though the product or offer is actually on a different web site or web page, you are redirected to it when you click on the link, however, wherever the link itself is, the owner of that web site gets paid for the click in so many words. This is another form of traffic generation to a certain point. The most successful way for you to get traffic generation, article marketing, and even pay per click is to be honest the SEO technique. Search engine optimization is the most successful when it comes to finding web sites you are looking for. Those who list their sites by using SEO use specific key words and this gives them the most effective results for their products and web site.
However, there is nothing wrong with pay per click or article marketing it is just a simple fact that using SEO is much easier. As far as pay per click you have to constantly make sure the link is the way it is supposed to be, and not redirecting to some other web site that is not yours. Or you have article marketing, although successful to a certain point there are those people who don't really want to read a big article on a product or web site, they would probably much rather be looking at the products or offers and the web site itself.
SEO is now only effective, but very seldom has any type of problems or technical problems that you might encounter from the others. Recently another form of advertising or traffic generation, article marketing and pay per click has also initiated the use of graphics into the development of traffic to websites, along with SEO techniques.
You pay a website to show selected graphics on web sites and the graphic when clicked on would redirect to your web site where your products or information is. This is another means of getting the job done, and people to your web site.

Steve Renner is a well known Internet Marketing Expert, author, consultant and speaker. Get professional Internter Marketing Training and resources at

Incorporation of SEO Methods and Article Marketing

As an internet marketer, it is very beneficial that you know how to use SEO and article marketing together to gather massive traffic for your website. This is probably one of the most important skills that you have to develop as an Internet marketer. They are both powerful ways to obtain huge traffic so together, they can be a more powerful tool to help your business the results that you want. This is considered as the most powerful combination of marketing techniques used on the Internet.
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the term used for a set of methods used to attract search engines to your website and tell them that your website contains more relevant information compared to other websites that are using the same keywords that you use. Basically, SEO help you rank your website on the search engines. The set of methods used can help drive a lot of traffic to your website.
Article marketing on the other hand is a way to provide information and get traffic in return. You provide information to other in exchange of the traffic that they give to your website. A well written article can help people learn more about the products and services that you provide. It can also help them check out the websites that you have for the products and services that you offer.
This is the main reason why SEO and article marketing is very important in advertising your products. They are both effective but when they are combined, they can create a whole new method that can surpass the other methods of advertising products on the Internet.
So how can you incorporate SEO methods to article marketing? Basically, after creating the articles, you will pass it to different article directories. So it does not end there. You need to advertise the articles that you posted on the articles. You can do some of the SEO methods to let people know that there are articles posted on these article submission sites.
Your work does not end on the submission of articles. You also need to rank the articles that you have on search engines. Do not forget to put a resource box on the article which includes a direct link to your website.
This is one of the most effective ways to create massive traffic to your website and gain more income. The use of SEO and Article marketing is a must for Internet marketers.

If you are looking for tips on how to use SEO for advertising on the Internet, the web provides a lot of information that you can use. For more information, visit

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Secrets to Writing Perfect Article Marketing Content

Being successful in a highly competitive market...

Article marketing is a growing phenomenon which is now becoming central to the marketing strategies of many affiliate marketers. As this trend towards article writing has taken hold, so have the numbers of articles written and published on the internet with sales in mind. For this reason the ability to make your articles stand out against the crowd at first view, and then to provide relevant and informative content to your readers is more and more essential. The competition is increasing all the time but if you can write content people read then you have every chance of success. There are a variety of methods used by the successful article marketers out there to create their hugely powerful article portfolios - this article will outline how exactly these systems work and how you can tailor your own article writing to your marketing needs.
Quality or quantity - don't get stuck in between

The most successful of the 'super' affiliate's article-writing tactics generally congregate at the ends of a spectrum which has its extremes in either quantity or quality. This is to say that the first trap to avoid is to be lost in the middle with not enough average quality articles- I myself try to focus on writing quality articles which require more time to be dedicated, rather than bashing out a huge number which some have success with. This quantity based tactic is mainly used as part of an SEO minded approach to affiliate marketing which I don't personally like. Your real aim is to write as many high quality articles as you can therefore and this is often not an easy thing to do.
I like to take pride in my articles and in this way I believe writing short, and often vague, articles does not represent a good web marketing solution. It will provide you with a great number of backlinks which help with search engine rankings however I feel you are missing a brilliant chance to presell your affiliate products and to consolidate the impression of your expertise. To have the huge success it is necessary to produce huge quantities of articles and therefore many affiliates simply outsource the article writing function for a relatively small fee - this dedication to quantity can therefore have results but you can't compete writing independently and you will have to start paying external companies.
The advantages of quality over quantity...

To my mind a well written and highly informative article portfolio can overcome these problems and in the end offers similar benefits. For one thing the landscape in affiliate marketing has changed towards rewarding good quality content, and sites like EzineArticles are becoming increasingly strict in passing articles. Even taking this into account there are further advantages because you don't need to pay other people to write articles, you can use and enjoy developing you own expertise, and you can be proud of what you offer. The small amount of initial backlinks will also grow exponentially if your articles are well written enough - for instance I have had some of my own articles republished on hundreds of blogs and website around my different niches. This organic traffic is extremely valuable and will shoot you up the search engine rankings as well as providing highly targeted visitors. Here are my recommendations on what comprises a high quality and converting article.
Target the right keywords...

Firstly you need to make sure you are targeting the right keywords. Try to break away from the over-crowded areas and instead focus your attention on those gaps in the market which are yet to be exploited. You have probably already done this in your website SEO so it shouldn't be too difficult to find what to write about. Make sure the article reads naturally but includes as many examples of your keywords as possible - if the suggested keywords don't match what you hoped you have a problem.
Draw your reader in with a good title...

Next you need an excellent title - people aren't going to read if there isn't something relevant to them. Ways to do this include answering a commonly searched for or asked question; giving your reader the impression that the information is indispensable (for example by saying you need to read this, can't buy without this etc.), or by being highly controversial. If your quality is excellent then I wouldn't worry too much about the title making a few exaggerated claims.
Content is king...

Next you need to put together the content - this is obviously very niche specific but I find the best articles are generally between 1000 and 2000 words in length. This allows you to pass on helpful knowledge and impress your readers but isn't too long for them to click away. If you are only writing 300 words it is probable your content is not of much use - however if the article has answered a pertinent question in suitable depth obviously the figures above can be revised. To keep the interest levels up further I also like to break up the text with intriguing titles (as I have used in this article!) or even include graphs, pictures, quotes etc. to jazz it up a bit more.
Don't forget to presell your products if you can...

You should, if at all possible, try to include some sort of presell as part of your article. In the beginning this is easier because you have not exhausted the different approaches to promoting a product (e.g. reviews, self-help guides, complementary advice). However if you can develop the idea of a product's benefits in as many of your articles as possible your conversion rate should shoot up. By talking to the reader directly (using personal pronouns for example) you activate a relationship which has a greater chance in ending in you earning commission.
The all important resource box...

For this to happen at all though your resource box needs to be excellent in the first place - for me this is where many article marketers fail by including one standard piece of text pointing to some boring, unrelated page on their website. This box should be tailored to every article, making sure your readers feel a real need to visit your site, a call to action they can't turn down. This means selling yourself as much as is humanly possible- highlight your expertise, what exactly you have to offer and why your reader is missing something great if they don't click that link. This is the only chance the directories give you so make the most of it.
If you follow this article blueprint closely I believe you will be writing the quality article you need to be successful. Content is King in the modern era and this means you'll get your rewards for offering solutions to your readers problems. Thanks for reading and I wish you all the luck in your affiliate career.

Get five high quality articles similar to this one with every sign up to Site Build It from Site Build It offers the best affiliate tailored website creation and hosting tools available online, and now you can get a head start promoting your new website using the same article marketing formula as an expert.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Harnessing the Power of Article Marketing

Article marketing is the first most powerful marketing strategy online; article marketing will easily define the success or failure of any online business or any other web presence.
The power of article marketing is unlimited and it's time line is infinite. Having that power and potential on your side is vital to your marketing. No matter what are your goals and reasons of your online presence, article marketing is the only way you can introduce your self properly, it has the power to show your readers your knowledge and expertise.
A well-written article can give you the appearance of being an expert in a field; no matter how much do you know about the subject. They key is to write well and correctly market your articles.
Chances are that you have experienced how effective and engaging articles can be, how a well written article with as little as one small piece of information can build an interest in you to know more about the author and read more of his contents; as well as some examples of truly horrible writing which will make you stop at the first paragraph. Your taste of telling the difference is the first step toward developing your own successful writing style.
Identifying the purposes of your article marketing is essential, why are you writing? Why do you want others to read your contents? Answering these questions will make it easier for you to write and market your articles effectively.
Here are the common purposes of article marketing:
1. The obvious use of article marketing online is to draw traffic to your website. Using articles for that purpose is much better than many other marketing methods, simply due to the ease of creation, the fast on marketing and the low if any budget needed. Particularly good articles can go "viral" and have a dramatic effect on your website's traffic. Articles can easily be posted on highly traffic article directories and social websites as Digg, FaceBook, or
Do not discount the benefit of cross-promoting with social sites like these. There are millions of consumers on each, sharing information and helping to increase the reputation of websites around the world. Harnessing the power of article writing can help you harness social websites and effortlessly (and cheaply!) increase your recognition.
2. Articles can be written for simple informational benefit. You have something to tell, good advice, tip or trick; you share it with others via article marketing. Here you are being helpful, readers will love you for that, trust you and be thankful. It is the same as forum marketing.
3. In addition, article marketing can be used for SEO purposes. Each and every webmaster knows that web-presence is depend on appearing in the search engines first result pages, and for that you need search engines optimization both on-page and off-page. Submitting articles in your website means content and content still the king of on-page SEO, as for off-page SEO, it is the amount and quality of inbound links you can build with article marketing for your website.
That doesn't mean that the quality of the content has to suffer for the sake of keyword insertion and links.
4. Some webmasters are using article marketing for directly making some money from the internet, using ads when posting to social sites, and share of Ad-Sense from article directories.
The power of article marketing had opened a wide market of tools, information products and software. The need to successfully obtain the benefits of article marketing makes some webmaster (mostly beginners) easily losing money buying useless products. Do it your self manually will give you better idea of its power and identifying your needs. It hurt me knowing that webmasters spend countless hours searching for software to automatic the marketing process when they can spend less doing it manually.