Saturday, November 12, 2011

How to Make Money Online - Article Marketing Strategies For the Beginner Internet Marketer

Of all the methods to make money online, article marketing strategies are some of the simplest and most straightforward. Using just your brains, your motivation, and your knowledge, you can leverage article directories and web 2.0 technologies to create a significant income for yourself over time.
Article marketing works because a significant amount of the time spent online is spent looking for targeted, authoritative information on one topic or another. When you write an article that specifically addresses the needs of a narrowly defined internet visitor, you improve the likelihood that they will seek to engage with you, your content, and possibly your products, at a deeper level.
Once you develop a way to monetize an online relationship, you can focus on creating those relationships (however temporary they may be) through article marketing.
Building an Online Money Tree
For a beginner, one of the most obvious paths to success online is with internet affiliate marketing. When you find an affiliate marketing program that is trustworthy, authoritative, and potentially lucrative, your next step would be to complete their sign up process so that they have a way to pay you.
Many affiliate programs will require you to sign up with ClickBank or PayPal so that they can send you payments easily and conveniently. You will then be assigned an affiliate link, so that they can track the activities and sales for which you will receive credit. Once you have your affiliate links, you are ready to make money online with article marketing. The following steps will help you maximize your income from your article marketing efforts.
5 Strategies for Successful Article Marketing Income
1. Start with Market Research
Many people take the time and effort to write excellent articles only to blow it because they are not customer-centric in their efforts. For instance, writing excellent articles for a market niche that does not have the money to buy products or that does not typically purchase information products online in great numbers.
Online market research involves identifying the informational needs of your target online market, and then locking in on the keywords and the destinations that they typically turn to in meeting their needs. Your keyword research should be extensive so that you maximize your ability to attract search engine traffic to your articles.
2. Create An Editorial Calendar
An editorial calendar is a general subject guide for feature articles used by publishers to organize their writers and pre-sell advertising. In your case, you will use an editorial calendar to make it easy for you to see the big picture of what you're writing about and to get your mind ready to write. It also makes it easier to write your articles in advance and publish later if you want to. For me, I have found that it helps me decrease or remove "writer's block" when I create an editorial calendar made up of article headlines to be written later.
3. Align Your Writing To Pre-Sell
It's not just enough to produce informative and well-written articles, your written content should also put your readers in a warm, ready-to-buy mood. Your articles should solve problems, clarify opportunities and make it easy for them to take action. In other words, you should write your content keeping its purpose in mind. One way to accomplish this is by consuming all the material you can from the seller for whom you are an affiliate. By doing so, you can weave in knowledge gained from them into the articles you write, and improve sales conversions later when your readers start consuming information that aligns with what they read earlier.
4. Develop Writing Rituals
Set up a protocol and a special space for writing your articles. Try to make sure that you don't have any distractions when you sit down to write. Successful writers have used writing rituals for millenia and they have proven to be very effective mental devices. If you find yourself, particularly stuck for something to write, just pull out your editorial calendar and make yourself write an article on one of the headlines you have stored.
5. Study Direct Response Advertising And Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
To get the most from online article marketing, you should spend some time educating yourself on direct response and search engine optimization principles. Direct response marketing has to do with advertising that asks the audience to take a specific action that can be measured and tracked. If you've ever watched a TV infomercial or received a piece of "junk mail" that asked you to make a purchase, you've seen direct response advertising.
The reason direct response is so important is that your headlines and your article resource boxes have to effectively trigger an "engagement response" from your online readers if you hope to maximize your income online. A simple strategy of crafting headlines that combine implied benefit with curiosity can get many more of your articles read when web searchers find them on the search engine results pages.
Those same direct response strategies also come in handy at the end of your article when you try to invite your readers to click through on the links in your article resource boxes (the brief "about the author" blurbs found at the end of most articles).
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is equally important online because without proper SEO, your article may not show up at all when online visitors enter their search terms into Google, Yahoo or any of the other search engines. A poorly optimized article can severely hamper your ability to generate free search engine traffic. By honing your skills in both areas, you give yourself a great chance to make money online with article marketing over the long run.

Gogo Erekosima, The Small Business Digital Coach recommends a Comprehensive Video-based Training for individuals seeking to leverage the internet to make money online, build profitable email lists, generate internet traffic, win influential partners and grow sales in record time.

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