Sunday, November 13, 2011

Article Marketing - The Backbone of Any Successful Internet Marketing Strategy

If you are involved in any form of online business or internet marketing, you are (or should be) familiar with web development and SEO.  Aside from the critical on-page search engine optimization of a webpage or website, off-page SEO is just is just as important.  Quality off-page search engine optimization does a few things for your online business, whether it be improving your site's ranking in the search engines or simply driving qualified traffic to your site.  The most common form of off-page search engine optimization is probably article marketing.  We'll discuss article marketing as an effective off-page SEO tool in this article.
Article marketing, as part of your off-page SEO strategies, is pretty straightforward and very easy to implement.  By choosing effective keywords that relate to your online business and linking to your website from your articles, you will not only improve your site's visibility on the internet but you will also drive qualified leads to your website.  An added benefit of article marketing is realized when your articles are syndicated, or picked up and distributed to other websites throughout the internet.  When your articles are syndicated, they generate even more backlinks to your site, further improving your site's search engine rankings.
When writing articles to promote your online business, be sure to choose 3 to 5 keywords that are related to your product or website and use them sporadically throughout your article.  However, be careful not to use them too often or the article winds up reading like a robot.  If your writing quality is good, you should have no problem getting your articles accepted by many of the hundreds of article directories that currently exist.  Quality articles are almost certain to be syndicated, further enhancing your off-page search engine optimization efforts.
In a nutshell, article marketing is both extremely effective while at the same time very simple to implement.  Choose related keywords, write about something you understand (your business or products), include links to your site where allowed, and improve your online presence as a result!

Visit for more information about web development and SEO

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