Monday, November 14, 2011

How to Choose Topics For Article Marketing

Article marketing is an excellent way to keep a website fresh and full of information. This sounds wonderful in theory, but sometimes people come to a stand still on the type of content to place on the site. It is almost like a writers block whether the owner is writing or paying a ghost writer to do it for them. It is sometimes difficult to second guess what people want and the information that will draw them in, keep their attention and make a sale all in the process. There is however a few tips that can help web owners find the right topic to entice the reader and keep them coming back for more.
Choosing the topic should be based on the product or general concept of the entire site. The article should be based on information that the reader would benefit from reading. After all they are seeking information before making their buying decision, so give them what they want. Article marketing should center on the product, its uses and how it can better the customer's life or daily interactions. Articles packed with information about what the site is marketing is free publicity. It gives the reader something that they need to know or are wondering without even asking.
Most website owners focus their content on SEO or marketing techniques that help drive traffic to the site. It is important to remember that SEO is a good way to develop a article, but it should be more than a couple hundred words stuffed full of keywords. This doesn't mean anything to the reader and they will likely skip the product because it is not portrayed as helpful to them.

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Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

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