Wednesday, November 23, 2011

10 Questions to See If Article Marketing is Right For You

Will Article Marketing Work for You?
Article marketing takes time, but it is effective. To find out if it worth the time and effort ask yourself these ten questions.
Are you looking to grow your business?
Articles will help attract attention to your website and will contribute to your bottom line.
Are you looking for more prospects?
Many web surfers are looking online for information. When you provide a solution or answer to their problem, you will attract prospects, who may then become customers.
Do you want to stand out from the competition?
When you write informative articles that are published on the various article databases you are getting an implied endorsement from the publisher. Top ranked, high traffic article sites don't just publish anything that is submitted. So when you add your article to these sites you are judged to be at a higher level than the competition. Be careful not to write a sales pitch, this could work against you.
Are you trying to build your brand?
Article marketing can help accomplish that. When you write articles and get published on various sites you will start to be recognized as an expert in your subject. The more you do this the more "brand" recognition you receive.
Are you trying to maximize online exposure to reach a highly targeted audience?
If you have ever wondered how some of the articles get published, the answer is quite simple. The author wrote them and submitted them. This puts the writer at an advantage in that the article is being seen and read 24/7.
Are you trying to improve your SEO and search engine rankings?
Article marketing will help with this by creating high quality links to your site. The bigger the article site, the more clout your link will have. The more high quality links you have the higher you rank in the search results. Many article sites have a high PageRank.
Are you trying to build your subscriber list?
By writing articles on your niche topic people will begin to see you as an expert on the subject, and will search for your material. By writing articles and getting them published, you will be able to build a list of dedicated subscribers. The benefits of a loyal mailing list are self evident.
Do you have a special report you can use to promote you site?
Writing articles will help get the word out on your report. You could write an article that highlights some of the top findings of the report. Most article databases will allow you to include a link to drive people to download the full report.
Are you selling an information product?
You can create several articles from an eBook, or other information product. This is an excellent way to develop the readers interest and send them to your site for more information. Keep the article informative and avoid the urge to try and sell the reader. Some sites wont allow this and it is more effective to just offer the article with a link to your site.
Are you trying to stand out from the competition?
Article writing is an excellent way to get attention on the web. Most of the article sites are jam packed with informative articles. This keeps your prospects coming back and it keeps the search engines coming back as well.
Is article marketing perfect for you? Only you can answer that question. If it is then there is no time like the present to get started.

Robert Emmerson is a freelance writer specializing in Internet marketing, SEO, Blogging, and making money online. If you found this article helpful, read his Blog which is loaded with more useful content on this, and related topics. []

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