Monday, November 21, 2011

SEO Through Article Marketing

SEO is one of the keywords you will encounter most often on the web these days. SEO is the acronym for Search Engine Optimization and is the process through which you can increase the traffic coming to your site.
Any web developer knows that creating a site is nothing compared to actually promoting it. Without the promotion, the website has no value as no one will ever visit it. This is the problem most people confront with and it's the point where most online business owners give up. There is an amazing amount of competition these days and cutting through it is not the easiest thing to do.
So how can you do SEO, how can you increase your traffic without hitting the wall? Article marketing is the answer everyone is looking for.
So what is article marketing? The thing is that traditional marketing or advertising is no longer the bets option you have. Internet users hate ads and they only close them, ignore them and even get annoyed by them. But the actual purpose is to get the user to click the ad, follow the link and follow it without any bad feeling.
The main idea is to give something to the user so he will be happy to follow your link, to visit your site and ultimately purchase from you. One of the most important aspects of Internet and which many people overlook is the fact that information is much more valuable than anything else, even money.
People don't search on Google looking for money, but for information. So what would happen if you would give your visitors information and not banners and ads? They might actually click your link. Article marketing is all about writing an article which actually give something useful to the user. At the bottom of the article you can include your link or if you are able to you can even blend it in context. Writing an article is not that complicated specially when you write about the topics you like and know, about the things related to your business.
Once you have your article written all you have to do is post it on some article directory. This way you will have access to all the directory's visitors, you will get that much needed backlink and in the end you will be doing SEO in an effective and productive manner.
The best part about SEO through article marketing is that both you and your readers receive something, it's a win-win situation and this way it is more effective than any other SEO technique you can use. Just go ahead and start writing that article. Spice it up, make it interesting and submit it.

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