Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Article Marketing - Discover 3 Amazing and Powerful Steps to Jumpstart Your Article Marketing

If you are just starting in the online arena, I am pretty sure that you want a marketing tool that can help you promote product awareness without burning your pockets. For that, I highly recommend article marketing. This is a very simple process of distributing short, useful articles online to inform and later on, get people to visit your website.

Here's how you can jumpstart your article marketing:

1. Writing skills. Unless you are willing to spend money to hire ghostwriters, you need to develop exceptional writing skills to excel in this endeavor. You see, you cannot just offer your readers with mediocre articles if you really want to win their trust. Develop your skills by reading relevant online resources and by attending writing trainings and seminars.

2. Keyword research tools. These are your best allies to easily figure out the best topics to write about to capture the kind of attention you need online. These tools will provide you with the most popular search terms within your chosen niche, giving you an idea as to what kind of information your target market are usually looking for.

3. SEO. It's important that you optimize your articles so they will fare well on relevant searches. You can do this by inserting the keywords on your titles, on the first and last paragraphs of your articles, and at least three times on your article body. The ideal keyword density is 2% of your total word count. Remember, your keywords must sound natural on your content so you will not annoy your readers.

By the way, do you want to learn more about using articles like this to drive traffic to your website and increase online conversions?

If so, I suggest you check this out: article marketing traffic.

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