Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Article Marketing - 3 Secrets to Increase Your Article Marketing

There is power in article marketing. Aside from getting links back to your website, it is a way to promote your online expertise in your niche, a tool you can use to increase your online sales, and a way to develop your writing skills. Using well-known article marketing techniques, you can quickly become known as a reliable, credible, "go to" source in your niche regarding the use of article marketing for a cost effective way to market. This makes you the preferred "store" from which to buy quality products and services. So, keep reading to learn 3 secrets to increase your article marketing.

1. When you write your article marketing, only provide quality educational and informational material that solves problems or improves a situation for your reader. If you advertise in your article content, you turn off your reader. A turned off reader will not buy from you. A turned off reader will stop reading your article. Very, very, bad. The advertisement piece is subtle and found in your "author's resource box." So remember, only put an advertisement link in your resource box. Keep your articles pure with quality content and people will see you as a trusted niche market advisor. That is a good marketing position to take, believe me.

2. People commonly submit articles to article directories to get those all-important back links. Now why do you think the directories freely publish your articles? It is so they can make money, of course. They are just like any online or offline business. Otherwise their existence would be pointless. Right? I mean you are running your business to ultimately make money, too, right?

3. Directories make money by AdSense. When you do an article search using an online search engine, it's likely that you will find at least one article in your specific topic. When you go to read the article, on the same page you find the article, you will see an AdSense ad. If the article has boring or fluffy content, the reader may be liable to click on the ad. There is money for the advertiser because the more places an ad is seen; the more likely a customer will buy something as a result of seeing that ad. And, when the reader clicks on the ad, the hosting directory gets money for that click.

Another way directories make money using your articles as entertainment/content to attract readers is when authors choose to pay the directory to get listed immediately. You can speed publishing time up by paying a fee to get your article published. However directories do it, article directories are there to make money. It is advantageous to them to get high search engine listings for their articles. When people visit their site and writers use their site, directories have different ways of making money.

But, it's all good because you are getting your SEO done for free when you get your articles published in a directory. The SEO sends traffic to your website.

By the way, do you want to learn more about using articles like this to drive traffic to your website and increase online conversions?

If so, I suggest you check this out: article marketing traffic.

1 comment:

  1. Article marketing is most effective ways to generate traffic and improve search engine rankings. It is a natural backlinks building service.

    Article Marketing Automation Review
