Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sean Mize - Article Marketing For the Long Haul

NOTE: This is the author's eleventh teleseminar report from the "Seminars with the Experts" series hosted by Hilary Stewardson.

In January 2006, it all started with a simple four-point strategy and the discipline to make it work:

Write an e-book that people want.
Put up a website that offers the e-book for sale.
Drive traffic to the website.
Rinse and repeat above cycle.

Sean Mize used the above formula to establish his Internet Marketing presence. Nothing special, right? However, his traffic generation method of choice raised eyebrows. Instead of using pay-per-click (PPC), search engine optimization (SEO), or video marketing, Mize turned to article marketing.

By writing five articles daily and submitting them to the best article directories on a consistent basis, Sean Mize's traffic steadily grew along with his expert status and marketing credibility. After incorporating list-building into his marketing equation, Sean's income results took off. His regular release of e-books in the competitive and crowded Internet Marketing niche, coupled with a laser-focused approach to relationship marketing has proven popular with his subscribers.

Why Article Marketing Works.

Mize feels that article marketing is misunderstood by most people, and its effectiveness severely underestimated. In response to those who consider it out of place in today's fast-paced digital environment he offers its core premise:

Article marketing is first and foremost a traffic generator. Period.

Commit yourself to optimizing all aspects of your writing (i.e. Niche selection, Keywords, Title, Body, Resource Box) so that readers take you seriously and want to come back for more.

Doing It Yourself, for Yourself.

Some consider Sean Mize's use of article marketing stealth, cold, and ruthless. However, nobody can deny his results. In two years, Mize claims that 80% of his five-figure list has been build through article marketing. Needless to say, he continues to write for traffic. Yes, it can be time-intensive and expensive (e.g. ghostwriting), but there is no such thing as genuinely "free" traffic.

Mize is skeptical about article generating and submission software tools. You cannot automate article marketing, but if you commit to a well-planned and disciplined approach, the results can be phenomenal. Consider article rewrites for uniqueness and multiple submissions; instead of outsourcing Mize suggests taking the time to do it yourself, then test and track the results to make tactical adjustments.

"Affiliate Marketing is a Crutch."

Sure, people can make money - even a steady income - by promoting other people's products. However, Sean Mize's philosophy focuses on building Me Inc.; after all, if you are prepared to devote time and energy (and money) for others, why not capitalize on those resources yourself?

Making your own products establishes credibility like no other activity. An original contribution within your chosen niche can build your reputation and income concurrently. Digital product creation in particular is well-suited for new entrepreneurs (short start-up time, low overhead, no physical inventory issues etc.). Yet before embarking on serious projects, ask your list subscribers what they are struggling with in their businesses, and what you can do to help them move forward.

Sean agrees with using ethical bribes, i.e., free reports and e-books, to obtain a prospect's contact information. However, he reminds us to use "Thank You" pages that offer subscribers a quality product immediately after they opt in to your newsletter. Embrace the concept of product funnels to enable you and your subscribers to build mutually beneficial relationships.

Two Internet Marketing Curses to Avoid.

Mize defines Internet Marketing experience by the amount of revenue a person has generated through legitimate and quantifiable online activity. In fact, if you do not presently make a consistent $10k per month, Sean considers you a beginner!

So how do people graduate to the next level? For starters, Sean suggests that you minimize:

1. Information Overload. It is a disease that will sap your productivity and innovation. Seriously, you cannot read every book, join every coaching program, or follow all the experts out there. Therefore, limit your instant messaging and e-mail activity to one daily session. Be severe about the number of lists you subscribe to. Ask yourself: Is this relationship valuable to me? If not, unsubscribe...FAST!

2. Social Networking. Still too early to judge Web 2.0's effectiveness as an income generator. However, Mize is a healthy skeptic of its usefulness. Without conclusive proof that solopreneurs can use Web 2.0 properly, and its reputation as a tremendous time waster, better stick to reliable traffic methods like article marketing that work for your long-term growth.

From Article Marketing to an All-round Skill Set.

Once you have mastered article marketing-based traffic generation, Sean Mize suggests that you take a serious look at the other Internet Marketing pillar.

Copywriting is essential for long-term, online income. Reports of its imminent death are exaggerated. As a core Internet Marketing skill, we all need it. Yet, hardly anyone truly gets it. So, even if you plan to outsource, learn how to distinguish good copy from bad. Ideally, develop your own skills by purchasing templates and observing what successful marketers' do. Test your early results, then decide if outsourcing is right for you.

Sean has largely foregone traditional joint ventures (JV) in favor of ad swaps with marketers with whom he shares a common outlook. Apart from being a "free" way to gain new leads, Mize prefers this networking method over live seminars and conferences. The high attendance cost and preparation time associated with events should motivate folks to proceed cautiously when invitations come. He does, however, approve of hands-on workshops that motivate participants to act.


Sean Mize has integrated article marketing, list building, and product creation like no other in Internet Marketing today. Nothing comes easy, but if you are averse to the latest fads and willing to try a legitimate method of traffic generation, follow Mize's blueprint for success:

1. Drive traffic to your squeeze page with article marketing.
2. Build your list and create relationships.
3. Create products that satisfy a hungry audience.

Rahul Majumdar is a full-time Information Marketing Specialist and co-author of The Best of List Profit Academy.

To become a privileged Best of List Profit Academy insider, sign up here.

Copyright © 2008 - Info-entrepreneur RM. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article provided you leave all of the links active, do not edit the article in any way, give author name credit and follow all's Terms of Service for Publishers.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Link Building and Article Marketing

When a website is developed the primary matter of concern for the internet marketer is ways to make the website popular enough and able to reach out to more and more number of people on the web. But this aim cannot be achieved by depending upon a single website even if you put on all good content and graphic designing on them.

So what is the way out? In order to spread your online business to global customers from different parts of the world you need to build up proper online links. So the concept of link building makes your site available to large chunk of target audiences that can turn into your loyal customers in future.

Remember that the links cannot be put in the manner in which you want as done in Facebook and Google's paid ads. So the requirement of container arises which can store the links and act as medium for passing on the links to the target audience who might be interested in knowing more about your company and its products.

Here the concept of article marketing is used as an important tool for the business plans. When you have written only one article and posted online, than only one medium is available for linking, but when you have multiple articles posted than the chances of getting links from many people increases.

Thus you are advised to increase the number of articles and post them in various article directories so that you get multiple link backs to your website. So when you write and post more number of articles you open more doors of web traffic and business opportunities for your business. Articles give target audience the picture and idea about your company and its offerings. Thus articles that are not written in proper manner fail to leave a positive impression and thus all your marketing efforts would go in vain.

The articles that are written with marketing point of view should be of good quality and also of alluring styles. If your articles succeed in creating interest in the readers, they might click on the links that takes them to your website. It also helps in product promotions. Apply the concept of article marketing for doing link building that has ability to capture major chunk of capital online market. Link building is always known as effective tool for building up web traffic for any website.

Copyright © 2010

SPINX is a Professional Website Design Tampa company offers creative web design services in Florida and Local Area. We are SEO Tampa experts providing effective internet marketing solutions.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Article Marketing and Page Rank

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most popular and highly effective online marketing strategies used today by business owners. By utilizing the potential of the World Wide Web, one can promote a company's products and services to millions of online users worldwide.

Unlike the conventional marketing strategies, online marketing enables business owners to run their campaign by establishing their presence in the internet realm by just working in front of the computer. This saves more time, effort, and money so they can still use such resources in developing their business.

Acquiring a high volume of traffic is the primary goal of online marketers as this can lead them to land on dominant spots of top search engines. With a good ranking, you are most likely to gain a good reputation among people, giving you an edge in the competition and earning a very rewarding income.

To have a successful SEO campaign, most online users use article marketing as it is where they can discuss the nature of their business and encourage people to learn more about them. Article marketing can be done by creating and submitting quality content articles to related websites and different content articles.

By doing this, your main website has the opportunity to rank higher on search engine results. Here are some of the tips you can use to have a better page rank:

Your articles must be interesting and well written as such write ups serve as your frontline to different sites. When people find your articles witty, they are most likely to visit your site to learn more about your campaign.

Such articles are must also come in their original form as duplicated copies will only be counted as one by search engines. Having informative articles is also important since it can be beneficial to both parties as you are able to effectively run your campaign and at the same time, people can gain helpful information from your expertise.

Your articles must also be relevant to the nature of your business and must be submitted to related websites to automatically hit your target market. All your efforts will be put into waste when you have poor quality of site visitors as they will just bounce back to their previous page since they are not interested with what you have.

Generating a good set of keywords is also important to have a good page rank as it contributes to the optimization of your article. Keep in mind that such keywords are what most online searchers would type to be able to land on your content.

Still, there are more techniques that you can use in article marketing and page ranking. Just keep on exploring different possibilities and don't hesitate to ask around for advice that you can use in your campaign.

What if you can't get more website traffic? Here's a "secret snowball traffic system" that has generated over 1,175,000 visitors for my tiny websites. Click Here Now to get this free video that will show you how to make it happen for your sites.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Power Up Your SEO With Article Marketing Campaigns

Article marketing is by far one of the best methods to promote or sell your products or services on the Internet. It will enable you attract your readers to visit your site and not only will you have increased traffic, but the profile of your visitors will be highly targeted. Your readers will click on the provided link because they have read what you wrote in your article and are interested to find out more about your area of expertise or about the product/service that you are promoting. Without targeted traffic, you are not likely to make any money from your website.

With appropriate article marketing campaign, another benefit that awaits you is increasing your credibility and reputation as an author and expert in the field. By writing quality and highly informative articles that are providing people with valuable insights that they might not be aware of otherwise, you will automatically position yourself as an authority in your niche. Such articles, which you publish on different article directories, might also end up published on other websites by webmasters who will find your information valuable and interesting. That way the back-links pointing toward your site will be spread on the relevant websites as well, and generate even more traffic to you. Even more visitors will develop relationship of respect toward you as an author, will keep coming back to your website and will be more likely to listen to your marketing message when you make one. Developing trust and loyalty with your target audience is definitely one of the best methods to skyrocket your online business.

The true power of internet marketing lies not only in direct promotion, but also in powerful back-link building. High quality article directories with good page ranks are excellent sources to submit your articles to and have both good rank juice and targeted audience flowing toward your website. The more your article get published on different and reputable article directories, the more back-links you will generate and more will your website be perceived as an authority site by search engines and higher ranking position it will get.

The benefit you will receive from article marketing by far outmatches many other marketing methods and it is often the only method that many reputable marketers are using to promote their websites and earn profit. There are many other means that you can also try out and actually succeed in generating more traffic and increasing conversions, but article marketing still remains the strongest tool that is at your disposal.

Submit your articles to a Free Article Directory and get published within 24 hours!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Article Marketing - 3 Secrets to Increase Your Article Marketing

There is power in article marketing. Aside from getting links back to your website, it is a way to promote your online expertise in your niche, a tool you can use to increase your online sales, and a way to develop your writing skills. Using well-known article marketing techniques, you can quickly become known as a reliable, credible, "go to" source in your niche regarding the use of article marketing for a cost effective way to market. This makes you the preferred "store" from which to buy quality products and services. So, keep reading to learn 3 secrets to increase your article marketing.

1. When you write your article marketing, only provide quality educational and informational material that solves problems or improves a situation for your reader. If you advertise in your article content, you turn off your reader. A turned off reader will not buy from you. A turned off reader will stop reading your article. Very, very, bad. The advertisement piece is subtle and found in your "author's resource box." So remember, only put an advertisement link in your resource box. Keep your articles pure with quality content and people will see you as a trusted niche market advisor. That is a good marketing position to take, believe me.

2. People commonly submit articles to article directories to get those all-important back links. Now why do you think the directories freely publish your articles? It is so they can make money, of course. They are just like any online or offline business. Otherwise their existence would be pointless. Right? I mean you are running your business to ultimately make money, too, right?

3. Directories make money by AdSense. When you do an article search using an online search engine, it's likely that you will find at least one article in your specific topic. When you go to read the article, on the same page you find the article, you will see an AdSense ad. If the article has boring or fluffy content, the reader may be liable to click on the ad. There is money for the advertiser because the more places an ad is seen; the more likely a customer will buy something as a result of seeing that ad. And, when the reader clicks on the ad, the hosting directory gets money for that click.

Another way directories make money using your articles as entertainment/content to attract readers is when authors choose to pay the directory to get listed immediately. You can speed publishing time up by paying a fee to get your article published. However directories do it, article directories are there to make money. It is advantageous to them to get high search engine listings for their articles. When people visit their site and writers use their site, directories have different ways of making money.

But, it's all good because you are getting your SEO done for free when you get your articles published in a directory. The SEO sends traffic to your website.

By the way, do you want to learn more about using articles like this to drive traffic to your website and increase online conversions?

If so, I suggest you check this out: article marketing traffic.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

What Are Article Marketing Targets? Find Out What You Might Be Missing Out On

Identifying the potential targets properly during article marketing enables a broader scope of opportunities. It can save money and time, where the competition is high, developments and innovations never come to a stop in this industry. Article marketing is one of the latest and the most beneficial forms of marketing, which can bring success to your online business. Well written articles can provide the appropriate information to buyers who are interested in your services or product.

While developing a good article marketing strategy, following areas must be focused market trend, purchasing criteria and means of communication. Modern technology allows advertisers to target potential customers through their behavior, demographics and dayparting. This means you can develop articles through proper SEO techniques and target people or users, who are online.

The Internet with its advancement and latest technology can track and record all human activities. Marketers prefer targeted ads due to the reason that it saves time and hassle as they can directly approach interested customers and this will ultimately increase the efficiency of marketing campaign. Advertising online is more efficient than any other means of advertising because it targets the consumer directly. Article marketing is a direct and most efficient way to convince a buyer. Self targeting can also be efficient as it provides all the information available on the internet to the consumer with just a click away.


According to the result and statistics available to different website providers, a company can analyze them and target customers according to their behavior. Because these results clearly show the past behavior, interests and prospects changing demands and attitude. It may prove beneficial to use target ad policy on some customers, but that is productive only when the customers are aware of the new introductions. Some people never come to know about new services and products available in the market unless they are advertised properly. So advertising campaigns must be carried on a large scale and made successful as it totally contributes towards their successful growth. Article marketing can provide the apt and the most beneficial content, which users are looking for online. This can be a great advantage as you can easily target customers, generate sales and even turn visitors into your clients.

As we can see each and every point of article marketing targets is essential and is only functional when they all work in a combination. Target Article Marketing campaign can be successful if extensive research and a deep study of past results and trends is monitored. The results can identify proper targets and highlight them as this will eventually help in increasing sales through proper marketing. Targeting can become very easy if you are aware of the user behavior and nature online. It has been estimated, that most of the viewers prefer those services, which can provide them long term benefits. A quality article can convince a client, that how they can take advantage from the specific services or products.

As you know Daniel has been building businesses since he was 6, bringing together massive demand and premium quality products to hungry buyers. Visit to learn a simple exercise that cost him $20,000 in 2009.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

If You Are Going To Use The Article Marketing Method There Are Some Basics All Articles Must Have

Articles are vastly underestimated by many online businesses today and the truth is that the benefits of marketing with articles is impossible to fully measure. Articles can make or break a site in terms of traffic and repeat visitors. In addition to other SEO factors and other methods of linking article marketing has developed into a major element in site building and earning profit from that site. In addition to the SEO benefits that articles provide by submitting them to article directories you also will benefit from direct click throughs from the articles themselves.

Many website owners have seen the results of using articles on their sites and for site promotion almost immediately. Original articles will help to get you higher rankings in the search engine results and the higher you rank in the search engines the more free organic traffic you will receive. Obviously this is the most desirable outcome since it opens up the potential for other income generating opportunities as well.

You can't just write anything though, you need to have some guidelines and the following tips will help you get moving in the right direction.

One tricky area in that of keywords, in the early days of article marketing you could just stuff keywords into articles and that would get you ranked, now that same practice can get you banned. The key now is to write more naturally and focus on certain niche keywords and their synonyms, for example, writing articles about a particular model of car or wristwatch. How to articles are in great demand and are very well liked by all. You want to be sure that the article has keywords related to your site so do your keyword research and use the right keywords in articles that you write.

As I mentioned previously, you cannot get by these days by just stuffing articles full of keywords the articles must actually be good sources of information in order to be picked up by the greatest number of possible syndicate networks and other websites. In addition to being entertaining and informative they also need to be written with good spelling and proper grammar which precludes one from relying on third world country rewriters in order to get articles written correctly.

Include as many facts, figures, and statistics as you can in your articles and you will also benefit in being seen as an expert in the field you are writing about. It will help them to trust you and the products and services you represent.

Lastly, you want to be sure to write a compelling resource box for the article. Some article directories are more limiting on how many links can be included in this but this is the whole key to your article. If you write and article and don't have the links back to the site you are seeking to promote with well chosen anchor text you have just wasted your time writing the article.

Gregg Hall is an author living with his 18 year old son in Jensen Beach, Florida. Find more about articles as well as article marketing [] at []